Expansion 2: Rally Adventure reveal Feb. 23

So…what’s the downside?


One of the main reasons I’m so hopeful for expansion 2, the DLC’s map is designed around roads and driving on them rather than the Eliminator. It’d be great to have some actual fun roads in FH again, paved or otherwise.


Everyone will hate me for saying this but I would love a forza horizon in Germany


Why? A map around Nordschleife would be glorious! :smiley:


Thanks, didn’t see that. I like a few of them, should be great hammering them around the dirt tracks :slight_smile:

The only problem with including an actual track on a Horizon map is that it would take up a large chunk of the map. Other than laziness, its the probably the main reason why Laguna Seca in the Crew 2 is as cursed looking as it is.

Germany would suffer from Horizon 4’s fatal map flaw though. Too much green.


Plus horrible winter.

Well packed environment with sensible, dense and yet with enough open areas open world would be great.

I cant help but feel the older games like horizon 2 having these areas that are blocked off from access. There is something special about them forcing the player to drive on the road, explore whats around rather than pile through endless land of nothing just because that’s quicker to get from A to B


When you consider the expansion being in a Baja rally setting, the car selection is spot on. I’m slightly worried that the most of the races won’t be Baja racing, however, but rather “traditional” rally racing. Maybe there’s some confusion in this expansion regarding which kinds of rally cars that belong to different types of rallying.


Who’s “forcing” you to do anything?

I bet it’s the Video Game Deep State…

Nah. I’d love to be driving on a public Nurburgring and maybe chasing down a familiar face or two. :grinning:

Or a fictional Island with gorgeous roads that lead to all the good real life tracks.


You have beautiful mountains and they could do a germany + austria scenery


True, personally I’m not excited for these cars (perhaps with exception of McRae’s Ford Focus) but I respect PGG’s choice, it suits the theme of expansion well. One or two more WRC rally cars would be very welcomed but it’s not a lost cause yet, Series 19 update could introduce such vehicles (and maybe reintroduce Lancia…) alongside the release of Rally Adventure :slight_smile:


World Racing 1&2 maps were genius.

You know, as someone who’s not into anime or weeb stuff but went there for a few months I can say it’s really a nice place to live and earns all its merits, even over the US.
Also don’t forget regarding car history that Japan is a huge car making country with just as great racing and car technology and design development history of its own

I don’t think anybody is saying any of that isn’t true. But.


Although, at times I’m not even sure the devs remember that. This expansion does fit though.

Hi. Has anyone found a complete map for Expansion 2: Rally Adventure? :world_map:

I think the expansion looks excellent having relooked at it. In terms of the cars, I’m just not concerned with yet more buggies/silhouette offroader type-things. Unless there’s some earth shattering meta among them, off to the auction house they’ll almost all will go. But the expansion itself - it looks quite good.


The map wasn’t revealed yet.