Expansion 2: Rally Adventure reveal Feb. 23

The fictional tracks blew chunks? really? Thats your real opinion? You’re alone on that one. They were always the best tracks in the game. The fact FM7 had so few and the ones it did were not that interesting like Dubai is one of the serious issues with that game.
Camino Viejo de Montserrat is still one of my all time favorite tracks of any game.


It’s a matter of taste. I don’t like Dubai, Rio or Alps. They are simple chains of sweeping turns after sweeping turns.
Prague has the same tendency but somehow it doesn’t bother me that much.
Maple is also similar but nostalgia forces me to like it.
T10’s fictional tracks always feel like fictional tracks because they mostly use the same pattern.
Trial Mountain or Grand Valley Speedway (best fictional track for me) from Polyphony have character.


Personally, I’ll take most of the fictional tracks over tracks like Bathurst or Long Beach.

Yes, there is a general despising of Dubai, it’s in just about every review of FM7 on YouTube. The others are caricatures of actual tracks. It’s like they took real tracks and went, “let’s add more of everything” huge elevation changes, strange combinations of turns that fail to flow properly, and with the more recent version of Maple Valley, double it’s width taking out any necessary skill needed.

It’s an opinion, and you are free to feel differently. But I know I’m not alone in this thinking.

And when was the last time we seen this track? 3 games ago?

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Yeah it’s still stuck in the 360 era along with Fujimi Kaido + Positano/Amalfi Coast.

CVdM gives the game 3 tracks in one with Ladera + Iberian making up the other parts of CVdM’s Extreme Circuit layout, what makes it even stranger for me is FM3 began on CVdM.

T10 get 3 track locations for the price of one, the track was well liked and it was the showcase fictional track in one of the games, how they came to the conclusion to remove it for the Xbox One era I don’t know.

Then again I was baffled by a lot of the changes to those titles after 2 excellent games in FM3 + 4 that just needed building on.

All I’ve seen them banging on about for the new FM up to now is things I would have very low down the priority list, because they weren’t what made FM7 a weak entry, graphics + physics have never been an issue in any Forza game in both franchises.


To me, finding out that they were only using 1 point of data for each wheel explained a lot. FM7 had this slidey nature to it that just didn’t seem right, no matter what tires you used. That and when a car rotates (in a turn or drifting) it always “feels” like it’s rotating at the center instead of it’s contact patches at the front tires. I’m looking forward to the reviews, so I can get a sense of where they are with the physics, and what direction I feel they are heading. It’s make or break time for T10…

Miserable because the way to obtain cars is by hitting the targets for the week, which involves chores.

People don’t collect cars, they hoard rare ones. The economy is bad because people obtain rare cars early, then set up bot farms on PC to snipe them while they’re cheap. Then resell for 20 million once there’s few on the market.


GT uses 1 point too and feels infinitely better. It’s about the quality of the simulation, not how many points.

ACC uses 3 and is the most realistic. T10 has said they’ll use 8 and add RT, 4K60 on top of it… I wonder where the Series X will find the power to do all that, because it can barely do 1440p30 with RT on an 8 year old game like The Witcher.

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Is there an article about this? I’d like to get more info on GT’s current physics (I don’t own a PS, so trying it is not in the cards). Though I do think GT7 being “better” is an opinion not everyone shares. A glance at GTPlanet’s forums and there are many who see GT7’s physics are just as Simcade as FM, just in a different way.

AC and ACC use what most actual sims use, which is why it feels the way it does. I’m on PC, so performance shouldn’t be an issue on my end. Pcars2 did just fine on the Xbox when it came to having reliable and realistic physics and visual performance (though not directly in 4k60)

No, he’s not alone on the fictional tracks. At least FM7 tracks. Maple Valley is ok but nothing to write home about .

And there are plenty of real world tracks out there to fill the game. Many which have been there before. Go get some back or get some fresh ones. And no need to start arguing about “licensing”. Microsoft has a team in place for that, put them to work and do their job.

A glance at a place infested with haters of the game and stealth Forza extremists.

All I’ll say is… play it.

I’m not buying a console for 1 game, tried that once and got burned (Xbox One for Forza). If I do end up playing it, it will be if they port to PC. Otherwise, it’s irrelevant to me. GT might as well not exist.


Under rated but I loved Red Rock Valley Speedway in GT2


GT did a much better job building the fantasy tracks than Forza.


It doesnt say it in the article but they wil announce expantion 2. These 4 games are just sort of the highlights for that showcase. Obviously new games have bigger priority than updates to already existing ones. Plus Xbox has to show some new games. It is a must!

I bet 101 % they’ll talk about more than just these 4 games. And you’re also forgetting the last part:

Stay tuned to Xbox and Bethesda’s official social channels for MORE on the Developer_Direct, coming on Wednesday, January 25 at 12pm PT/3pm ET.

You are right on this point but Forza has a much better car list, this is my opinion.

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Fair enough. It’s a sensible move after all.

I think this is more in the realms of fact. Car variety in Forza is superior.

Forza Motorsport against Driveatars is like racing a bunch of real people, may of which are inebriated :smiley: …its fun racing and watching a battle ahead of you turn into some car plowing into the barriers and so forth, the cars move around quite a bit and that makes for dramatic racing, pair that up with excellent weather effects…its a fun game. You come across the line and you’ve got car damage and shattered windows and you feel like you’ve accomplished something :slight_smile:

Gran Turismo, by comparison, is like racing a Spreadsheet. Dull, Lifeless racing against robotic AI who never make big mistakes…I haven’t played 7, but I do own GT Sport and trying out its challenges (aka: Single Player) is to racing games what sitting in a Dentists’s waiting room…is to racing games. :P4

Also, its been like 20 years and Gran Turismo still hasn’t figured out how to give gamers an actual fun-to-use 3rd person camera for when they just want to observe the cars rolling and pitching and responding around the track. I mean, can you even SEE the sides of your car in the 3rd person view on that game?? :slight_smile:

Oh and I can almost bet dollars to donuts that the expansion will be another LEGO…I mean they still have the license for Hot Wheels even when another Hot Wheels GAME came out…which means I’ll use the expansion like I do the Hot Wheels one: To farm achievements for those monthly 2000 point Rewards bonuses working towards my next $10 GC :slight_smile:


The car list is subjective, as people tend to justify the car choices with their hearts (which is fine). But I find it a travesty that GT has had the 917 K (not any other derivative) while Forza has never had the K. Plus GT’s list of cars includes some vehicles that we (as a community) have been asking for.

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