Expansion 2: Rally Adventure reveal Feb. 23

I haven’t seen anything that was this early in the year. Typically “Q1” can mean mid to late within the quarter (Feb or March).


What ever it is i just hope its something for us over the age of 10. I dont know about you all, but i only unlocked all the cars in hw and then i never came back, exp for 5min each week for the stunt. But my 6year old loved it for like a month but now he rather cruise in Mexico. Hw dlc must have been a big flop?


Yesterday, when I was young. :guitar:


Deep beneath your melancholy sarcasm is a song waiting to be born, my dear brother Ron.


You must be young young young, or more melancholy sarcastic than me. That song was born long long ago.

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As were a few of us. Used to listen to that on the Victrola


Psh, I used to listen to the bard perform it on his lute at the medieval tavern.

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Mmm. A hearty mead and a buxom lass. And halberds.


I hear the rumours of the next FH5 expansion and instantly wonder, (yawn) when is Forza Motorsports out

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A dinosaur victrola?


That’s because Ralph is gone… Sad…

Japanese car fest

Right after the developers get done using control c and control v on FM7.


Previous games, 2nd expansion was out at around 9 months. Now we are delayed by 6 months of their average release schedule. Most of the devs seem to have already lost interest in the game and have moved on in their life. Even 99% of old timers have lost interest in this game now.

Let’s pray that time went into making it a real good expansion then!

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At this point, I just want a new map. I genuinely don’t care if its another weather-related expansion as long as there’s somewhere new to drive and the possibility of better tracks to race on.


I’d imagine the second DLC will come out in March/April and Motorsport in June or so

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Maybe old news, but i received this email today from Microsoft:-

Tune in on 25 January at 12 PM Pacific Time to the Developer_Direct, hosted by Xbox & Bethesda . Dive into the biggest games from studios including Arkane Austin, Mojang Studios, Turn 10 Studios and ZeniMax Online Studios. Hear directly from the developers on gameplay, release dates, and more.

When do you think the expansion will go live ? As it will surely be presented on the 25th

Personally, I don’t mind the prolonged wait on expansions. I appreciate the fact that Hot Wheels had considerably bigger map than add-ons for previous games, and I’m looking forward to the second expansion, hoping for equal amount of new roads… but this time in some “normal” environment :smiley: