Everything must go

I’m starting up FH4 again for the last time. Only because I think it’s a waste of effort to just “stop playing” without at least helping a few others. So I’m going to be logging and auctioning off all of my cars. Yes. All of them (at least the ones I’m allowed to). Before you ask, No. I don’t have a Ford Capri FE. Everything will be going for minimum buyouts.

Going to start selling very shortly with the highest valued ones first and working my way down for anyone interested. Whoever snipes first wins.

Good luck.

Can you help me with some cars? I’m looking for a Ford Escort #5, Mustang #25, GT70, Formula Drift Corvette #777, Hudson, Hoonigan Bronco, RS200, Fiesta, Honda S800, Porsche 718 GTs

Currently these have sold

Currently still on the block

Whats your gamertag?

Hi, do you have any Rossion Q1 that you can sell me?

I’ll make note of all ones people want first and I’ll put them all up tomorrow if I have them.

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You’re looking at it. :wink:

Ok, you don’t have discord?? So you can tell me if you have it and know when you publish it and I can buy it :grin:

I don’t have discord. If you want to send me a message on the xbox app, I can message you and set up a time.

Just send me a message on the xbox app of the car(s) you’re looking for and we can set up a time.

Note though: If someone else messages me the same car, I’ll be notifying the person who sent the message first.

Please don’t go overboard and be greedy. I can only put so many on the block at one time.

Ok, I’ll send you a message on xbox

These have now sold


See above for others currently on the block.

I’ve reached max limit for auctions today. Hit me up with a message on Xbox if you’re looking for certain cars. I’ll check back tomorrow.

Hey bro do you have the regalia?

Yes I do bro

You have to message me on X-box if you want it.

Ah, okay :+1: I also messaged you on Xbox yesterday :smile:

And did I reply?

As far as I see, no :sweat_smile: But I might also just be too dumb to understand how the xbox message system works, I dont use it very often

Ok. Then I didn’t get a message from you. :wink:

I just sent you a message. I’m all maxed out for cars to put on the block for today though.