Enemy cars change within a championship?

I know that if a different car is used within a championship then the enemy cars are likely to change due to PI considerations but I didn’t think that happened when the same car was used. Is that just me not realising? Had a bit of a tough time overtaking a Lambo Sesto in race 1 of the first championship but there was no Lambo Sesto in race 2.

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I noticed that a few months ago. I’ve also seen cars change colour on the starting line and mid-race so there some strange quirks in the game

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This has always been the case at least as far back as Horizon 4. Which is confusing, because the Drivatar names also change, meaning it technically isn’t the same person in the championship, so how points get reallocated is anyone’s guess.


yes, it’s the points that make me wonder - not that it is actually a problem, I rarely find races that hard

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Names are randomly assigned to the AI in championship races from your friends list (if you have enough friends) or other random players. If you change cars, esp with on that has a different PI, then you will probably see a different set of names. I have seen a name from the first race re-appear after I have changed cars, but in a different position with different points. Further, the ability and race style of the AI are not representative of the ability and race style of the names assigned to a given car. My daughter has an account and is one of my friends, so she periodically shows up in races. I know her real ability and there is no way she can ever beat me in a race (unless I do something really stupid, or let her, lol). I have seen her come in first or second place in a race from time to time. I have also seen other friends who I know are quite good irl, yet are total rubbish in a given championship race. Yep, totally random name assignments, and it has been like this clear back to Horizon 3.

thanks - it was mainly the change in cars that I noticed

It goes back to FH3 (have a feeling it did it in FH2 as well but it’s been a couple of years since I played that so can’t remember) where the cars would change from race to race…sometimes the same AI would race 3 different cars in a 3 race championship. They seem to change depending on what sort of race it is but I imagine of you could run the race 3 times in the same championship, no doubt the AI would change cars.

My guess is that the player can change cars depending on what sort of race it is (grip tune for city tracks, speed tune for open country tracks) so why can’t the AI. Of course, in FH3 especially, they not only change cars but they also change places after they’ve crossed the finish line so that the driver who finished in 6th ends up 2nd on the finish classification…so glad they at least fixed that little gem!

Yes, in solo mode this happens in virtually every championship, the leading AI often changes cars between the 3 races, one car in race 1, a different one in race 2, a third one in race 3, not sure why, guess they try different cars to make it harder for the player to beat them, not sure.
Sometimes they select a better car, sometimes a car that is worse, it`s a bit random to be honest and weird.

Opponents and their cars change between races in championship when we change cars, to match changing PI. That’s okay but at the same time they also seem to change the amount of points acquired in previous rounds so that making any calculations (like “I have 40 points after second round so I’ll win championship if I finish the last race at least at 3rd place”) is pointless and potentially risky.

This is just one of many flaws in racing with AI in Forza Horizon.

Honestly, I wish the Drivatars would just use bone stock cars when the players use bone stock cars. I know I’m in the minority group that doesn’t modify cars unless I’m forced to, but it always annoys when I drive a stock car and get creamed by a cheating Drivatar with a Forza aero wing that has mods that can never be applied to the same car by the player.


Totally agreed, I hate D-class racing where AI uses heavily upgraded Peels at 500 PI :smile: I choose cars with 100 PI (but not Peels) to be sure that opponents don’t have artificial advantage. In general, PI alone doesn’t mean much when comparing potential of cars, while AI always matching player’s PI makes upgrading cars rather pointless. Not to mention rubber-banding…

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You can even use this to your advantage and intentionally change your car after the second race in a championship. I’ve tried this myself by finishing 3rd in the first two races, then changed car and finished 3rd again in the last race, I still won the overall championship.

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