When is End of Life for Forza Motorsport 6 Apex Premium edition upgrade?
I’m holding off buying until the last moment in hopes of a final sale as is put in practice with the forza games it seems. But ceratin titles don’t get a warning of when they will be removed like Forza Horizon 2 Presents fast and Furious X one/360 as an example (still looking for some eshop selling codes).
I would hope MS and Turn 10 would warn us well in advance of any delisting honestly. I can’t even get all the Forza rewards for this game because of the lack of Spotlight events.
If you are talking about something like medals, I’ve gotten all the medals for forza rewards and as far as I know I’ve only done the base game and premium content.
The premium content also has a few more events that while hard might be more easy to platinum. I’ve gotten 5 platinums from them.
If you get the premium content, it is enough to get all achievements and forza rewards.
The medals can be unlocked in the base game. It just counts overall medals you got, including repeat ones. The same can’t be said for unique events (need 25, have 13 in the base game) and cars (the most you can unlock in the base game is 49 cars, one less than the max in Forza Rewards). The point is that Turn 10 can’t simply ask 16€ or whatever for a few cars and ONE track. It’s unreasonable.
I don’t think it has EVER gone on sale. It’s a weird price anyway. If you are concerned about buying it, I would do so. Turn10 barely acknowledges this game even exists.
If you haven’t done certain achievements or forza rewards you will have to get this as it is the only way to get them now, since they have stopped rotating out the free events (no idea why they couldn’t just leave them in the game).
If you think you are ever wanting to get it, this is physically you’re only chance. Unlike xbox games, there is no way to game share this as far as I know, so if you want to ever play the content, the only way to get it is to buy it before it goes off sale. Given that’s potentially in a few days, I seriously would not risk it. Turn10 do not go back and support requests for things you missed.
To be safe is wise to purchase the premium pack before the delisting of Forza 6 Xbox One in some days.
They didn’t say anything about the Windows version, but they also didn’t about Fast & Furious, and if this Premium pack is delisted, there would be no way to complete the game.
I’m still trying to finish this game so I may be worng. We can get 39 medals in total (3 + 12 * 3). The 49th Car requires 38 medals. 50th car requires 40 medals.
So if I manage to get 1 platinum medal from the base game will it unlock the 50th car?
If my theory is correct, then we can’t still complete 2 items in Forza rewards. No of events (13/25) available and no of badges which I’m not even sure how many we can unlock with base game…
No of medals seems to be counting the repeated events so that must be achievable…