Earning influence for painter, tuner, photographer and blueprint

This must be what the “whiners won’t do challenging content to EARN rewards and want everything handed to them” choir consider to be good design.


Yeah, that’s the ideal case. But for the rest of us, peasants, is there any other way ?

It’s precisely because there is none that I had to go all the way up there.

that kind of yearly objective, one can get at work for his/her bonus. As reachable as winning lottery on a feb 29th.
Most fun of it, no one even discusses the even sense of such objective.
I put card thing to dust the very day it was released, good luck guys, you have all my sympathy.

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Same question about blueprints :confused: In my opinion it’s hardest to achieve


I dont see any faster way than doing a horizon drag strip blueprint, enter, enter, click, click, (game asks you to replace an existing one after 5 I think)… race for ~ 8 seconds, get “rewards”, click, click, drive back to the start of the event, rinse and repeat. 400-500 times.

@rtas89: “hardest” is not the 100% correct term, especially since I explained before how you can do the other 3 of them with almost zero effort, you can go to sleep and the script will do it for you.
The Blueprinter is just stupid, if you were to do it correctly. 99% of us didn’t know to do it from the start and that would’ve helped a bit.

I would say that all these 4 ranks need to give you completion on Star Card at LEVEL 4, not 5.

Except for my miniOCD, I’m doing the StarCard to get the Capri FE. I started playing only this year and stupid me only got 75% in the playlist where they offered the Capri FE because I was a … beginner. Now, if they added it to the 100% StarCard, the chances to have that car as a reward in any playlist in the future is probably ZERO.

Oh, and Level 10 ranking is another stupid requirement, I’m level 11 in Free for All, but I don’t see any chance to get to level 10. I win a 12 person race, I get 1-2 points. I finish in the 3rd position, I get -4.
Basically I always finish in, let’s say Top 5, but even so, it will take me 1 year at least to get to level 10. Hopefully, they will revise these levels a bit, as they mentioned in the stream.

Even a car like sub 2004 supposed to be only available by luck on wheelspin and having a special dialog message indicating it is a rare car, even that car came to playlist. would not surprised to see it in a coming playlist. After that this car has very poor handling, mostly a bumper car.

If it is of any consolation, Monday’s stream mentioned how, for the purposes of the Star Card, getting to Rank 10 in Online Adventure is going to be made easier, so they’re going to rebalance the thing so that even the average joe can get there - they acknowledge that the average joe can’t make it to Rank 10 right now. This is supposed to happen in Update 13, meaning next month.

It could be that changes might be in order also for the section of the Star Card this topic is talking about…


yes, you’re right, let’s hope they do that. I consider myself as a bit more than an average joe now in the game (13% in the entire ranked leaderboard, not good, but also not bad, especially for playing with keyboard) so it shouldn’t be so hard to get to level 10, which is the middle of the pack (in theory).

Until then, all that’s left to do is same quick blueprint/race whenever you’re bored.

Dude, context, do you speak it ? You have some part of it right but you don’t use your head to think beyond that.
Yes, there are a lot of things in this game that deserve to be earned the correct way and I can’t wait to do them all. Hell, I did them all already, still playing the game daily and slowly climbing to the ranks and getting better times in Rivals and so on.
But then… here come those 4 ‘artistic’ tasks that are a bit out of place and extremely hard to progress for a normal user. Not hard, but extremely hard (time-wise at least).
To get to level 5 for the Painter, you have to share > 500 of your designs, assuming you don’t get many downloads. Which is the case for 99.999999999% of us, that don’t have an artistic sense or the time needed to actually paint 500 cars/vinyls. Assuming one takes you 5 minutes and a normal player plays the game 1-2h per day or even less, I let you do the math how long that will take. [Mod Edit - Abbreviated profanity, profanity and profanity that is disguised but still alludes to the words are not permitted - D].
Now, multiply this by 4, you also need to tune cars, take photos (I actually did almost 100 of them before wanting to do the StarCard) and create blueprints.

This is absolutely impossible for a normal player, not because it’s hard, but because it’s boring and time consuming. And now, the reward is a car, that of course I want, to complete other statuses, like the Car Collector.

Let me give you another example, maybe you can better understand the difference between whining for something and being rightfully ‘angry’ :

I hate drifting. I barely did 1 star on the Drift Zone and 1 star in the 2 drift stories. And I play with the keyboard and automatic (no need to make fun, this is how I like it). But at some point, I put in the effort to learn how to do it, got 3 stars everywhere and ranked level 13 in drift adventure. Keyboard and automatic, ok ?
So I can EARN rewards that make sense, that are not boring to do. Now, compare that with 2000 repetitive actions that I don’t particularly like or have any talent to some of them. So excuse me if I try to reduce the time needed (and wasted) to complete them.

Hope this cleared it up for you.


Blueprint downloads - how to you get them and how to you download (not use) others BPs???

So I get daily payout messages stating that I received likes and/or uses, but 0 downloads. I am level 3.5 in Blueprinter but have zero downloads on my Creative Hub.
I know people have used them and gave me feedback, but not sure how you actually download it. Seems like it should happen when you click on the BP but not working for me.
Also, I know some players I followed have downloads listed on their Hub, though the downloads to likes per BP seem very disproportionate - thousands of likes with few downloads.
If the answer to my question is posted somewhere in the forums, I missed it…apologies.


Not sure if PG is pleased about boosting yourself with a second account, tbh.

I just go to the drag strip and create/overwrite a blueprint and race it, that’s 100 points every 90 seconds.

All in all that whole system is flawed, does PG really want thousands of players spamming their servers with blueprints/tunes/designs/photos in order to reach Rank 5 in each category?
I mean when people like Don Joewon Song are at Design Rank 5 with 125 shared designs and 2,100,000 downloads, then there’s something really wrong.


I’m doing it now in 55 seconds on the clock. (mosler). I’m level 4 blueprinter with ~ 25.000 points to go until level 5. Last thing to do in the Star Card, then just wait for Remixes (that’s gonna take at least 3 months, assuming they give us 2 remixes per month - jezuz…) and payments from the business.

yep anyone running duel accounts is cheating simple as that.

I tried it on PC and the loading times are sooo much faster. Saving 30 seconds each time.
Reaching Rank 5 in each category was easier than I thought, even though it was extremely boring.

I just mentioned before a very simple way for PC to increase everything except Blueprinter, you didn’t even have to be at the computer, you can leave it running overnight.
I’m also close to completing the Blueprinter, just ~ 30 remaining.

LE: All done, finally! Now we just need to wait to get the other star cards.

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Letting a script or macro or whatever it’s called play the game for you because you’re too lazy and/or incapable of doing it is cheating. If you’re using third party software to increase your tuner or painter rank you are no better then the time-cheats, AH macro snipers, and people buying/selling modded accounts.


How can you actually compare that with this ?! Really ?!
So… it’s not like I’m gonna do it “normally”, like painting cars for the next 2 years. I’m actually gonna click Share/Unshare by myself 1000 times. But getting a 3rd party software to do that for me because I actually have better things to do in life than clicking for 4 days, means I’m too lazy. It’s not doing anything else that I would be doing, but a bit faster.
I actually think you’re too lazy to think and detect nuances. You actually can’t tell the difference between these 2 scenarios ? Not to mention one doesn’t affect anyone, except saves my mental health, but the other actually hurts other people. I’m not ruining the Leaderboards with 0.0.001 times or SF speeds with normal cars. I’m not gonna get a car that kills everyone in the Online. There are ZERO consequences for any other players, it’s basically a Single Player stat. I’m not even using flair next to my name.

And you’re comparing this with a macro snipper and a modded account. What can I say except… can’t really find the words for you…hmm.


anyone else noticed painter not tracking mine has been stuck 1700 off rank 5 for weeks with many vinyl downloads and uses in that time.