Earning influence for painter, tuner, photographer and blueprint

I have done some testing for you all. Blueprint: every blueprint you make and then race gives you 100 influence. Photographer: every photo shared gives 100 influence. Tuner: every tune shared gives 100 influence. Painter: every design you share gives 100 influence. I’m sure that other people downloading and using your blueprints, photos, tunes and designs gives you a bigger chunk of influence for each.

Wildcat, you may never figure it out without some information from T10/ PG.

Thinking back to FM3 (I think) when they first introduced the storefront. There was some kind of decaying algorithm for a paint, so a paint which was hugely popular upon release would gradually drop down the rating system the longer it had been up. I can’t remember exactly how this worked but the current system could be something similar.

Your smaller number of paints with huge download numbers may have earned you a lump of influence when you first uploaded them, but they may only earn you a small amount of influence the longer they are up.

I think the theory was that newer paints had a chance at top rated or some such, against paints that had been up from the beginning. In theory encouraging artists to keep pumping out paints.

It’s been a while and the details are hazy but I do remember a Dev joining that particular conversation and whilst not offering the explanation, they did give some hints, which allowed some forum members to figure out the formula or close enough to it.

I agree. It’s so frustrating to try and have to sort all this out without any official explanations. I actually did get an explanation from a dev as to how it worked in Horizon 2 and after that I could verify it in what I saw down to a single download or credit earned. But now that it’s changed, we’re back to trying to have to figure it out on our own. In addition to just knowing what we’re doing and how we’re trying to play the game … I also want the community to understand it so that we will know when something may be wrong. I already fear that the stats shown on the Creative Hub do not match the reward stats that we get in our daily messages for downloads. Early on, I added up all the stats from the individual messages and they were not even that close to the stats shown in the Creative Hub at that time.

It’s all sorcery.


In all seriousness, I do recall Jonk mentioning that there is depreciation built into the algorithms. The longer a shared item is up, the lower its impact over time.


Hmm well that wouldn’t take me long to check. Bearing in mind my low download numbers.

If the number in your creative hub was higher than the messages you’d received totalled to - that would potentially just be the number of downloads/ whatever you’d received since starting that particular session of the game.

I.e. you get your message at starting the game, but players are still downloading your paints - if the creative hub offers real time info, that would be more up to date than your messages, if you jumped out of the game and back in to it, you’d get a new message for the downloads you’d had in the meantime.

No … that’s what had me worried. The number shown in the Creative Hub was about 1300 LESS than the total of the individual messages.

So if the downloads had already registered enough so that I got download credits for them … you would expect them to register in the Creative Hub.

o.k. well that’s weird.

On mine, my creative hub was showing 104 downloads.

I counted up the messages and I came to 100.

Went back to dashboard and exited the game. Started the game again, checked messages and sure enough 4 downloads. Checked Creative hub again and still showing 104.

So my numbers tally.

Could you have deleted a message along the way?

Well … no … deleting a message would have actually increased the difference. That’s what is confusing.

I am a very detail-oriented perfectionist type of person. And with systems like this … I like to know exactly how they work and be able to verify that it works by looking at my stats and others’ stats. It frustrates me greatly to not be able to do that. I have asked multiple people at both T10 and PG that I have prior relationships with for some explanations and information for the sake of the content creating community. We’re all confused and frustrated and I see posts about it every day. I’ve been asking for about two weeks now and have not received any responses other than ‘sorry we’re extremely busy and will try to get back to you soon’. I understand that and am sure that they are flooded with all kinds of requests and questions now. As a result, I don’t want to keep pestering them day after day and I think I’m about to stop trying to sort all this out and just go back to enjoying painting and playing the game.

I have to admit I figured that out after I posted.


Just wondering if you have checked that on more than one occasion. Could it have been a one time server glitch or just an anomaly of the wonderful forza kind.

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Hey I’m also having issues with paint downloads and by that I mean 0 … I’m a legendary artist I also run the forza paintbooth artist club on Xbox live and it seems that unless we bought the preorder pack and uploaded your art work before the public gamers flood the gates you get left behind/out all together now I have been reading all these posts and cries for help on here for years with no actual help being given out or an explanation by FORZA… not another artist who thinks they know… what I know is this about 40% of all the popular designs for every car in the game are simple stock paint jobs with 0 vinyls or actual artwork on them. I don’t care how many downloads a piece gets. ART IS NOT PAINTING YOUR CAR METALLIC PINK. Come on forza fix this issue by having a random rotating list that showcases new art… or a lot of your artists will find other ways to do their thing elsewhere sincerely HOUSEOFPAINt37


What ever the system is it simply does not work. I have shared 500 vinyls and 300 designs, had a total of around 25,000 downloads and I have been stuck at level 6 since these figures were a quarter of what they are now. I don’t feel like there is any reward for good painters. It’s a shame because the painter status on FH3 was pretty easy to follow.


I can’t figure out how to give exposure to my designs to that I can level up in any meaningful way. I’ve imported a few designs from FM7 and most of my vinyls, but as of right now I’m at 17 downloads in total. As previously mentioned, so many of the promoted designs are solid colour cars with few or no vinyls, which makes no sense.

I’m far from being at the pro-painter level of some of the people on here, but the 2107 Nissan GT-R design that I imported from FM7 won a weekly livery contest earlier this year. Total downloads in FH4: zero.

I know I need to keep working and pumping out more designs, but it’s a little frustrating to purchase a car and see a 35-second paint job promoted with tens of thousands of downloads… while something that I might have put 10 hours of effort into gets zero love. Awesome.



I’ve seen many great designs which have obviously had vast amounts of hard work and love poured into them, which have hardly any downloads. It’s really tragic how the system in this game rewards the wrong people, due to the perverse incentive system which incredibly hasn’t been fixed since FH3.

I’ve reconciled myself to making designs for my own pleasure and satisfaction, and see the downloads I get as a bonus rather than the primary goal. I just hope some people get some pleasure from them too. That’s what it should all be about isn’t it? Not a system which rewards industrial scale but low effort single colour ‘paints’ which crowd out all the proper efforts. Sad. Maybe for FH5 they will listen.

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So to level your painter status up you simply reshare all of your designs over and over as this will boost you up on level only! As far as downloads bro 25,000 in month 1 you are blessed as I’ve got about the same amount of shared work and I can’t even break 200 downloaded designs and 800 vinyls… the reason this is as there is Barely a rotation on popular art in game. And unless you buy the $100 preorder and upload your work first before anyone else you get all the play! I bet on all of your work regardless of skill or how long you designed it I bet only a few of your designs/vinyls took off right? FLOODED LIST FORZA…can the little guys get a shot???

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If anyone wants to help each other out just add me on Xbox live gamer tag = Jonny Nothin, then send me a message saying you are adding me to help painter status. I’ll add you download and like all of your paint jobs vinyls and tunes if you will do the same for me!

Most of the logic that the game needs is missing. It’s just a driving game that nobody thought about. The auction is broken, and the creative system is broken. The physics are fantastic.

Let’s revive this old thread, since it’s one of the few that come up in google when searching for those ranks…

Since you need to get to level 5 for the Star Card and to reach that is, let’s just say crazy for someone who doesn’t have 1 year to lose, here’s a way to quickly get to those level 5 for Tuner, Photographer and Painter. Not sure if this “technique” was mention here, but in case someone else (like me) needs it, here it is:

These 3 (tuner, photo, painter) have a special screen where you can share/un-share them again. All you need to do is create one of each and simply unshare / share it as many times as you’d like. This will give you exactly 100 points everytime.
Still a bit crazy to do it, you’ll need to share/unshare at least 500 times to get to level 5. To avoid ruining your mental health and your mouse, you can find a few free apps that let you record your mouse navigation and clicks and then reproduce it. After some try-and-error, I got to level 5 for all 3 of them. I can even let the scripts run overnight, just to get the clothes that come with higher levels. I think you need to get to 16. (not to mention this thing gets you wheelspins now and then)

But now the real issue comes up, to get to level 5 for Blueprints. Those are even stupider, you can’t see them anywhere and unshared them again. Even worse, you get the lousy 100 points ONLY AFTER PLAYING THEM.
Considering I’m level 3 now, with 21300 influence till level 4 and another 20000+ for level 5, I basically have to do 400+ races to get to level 5. At least if I knew about this from the beginning, I would’ve played them all on custom blueprints. But now, it’s beyond stupid to do so many races again by myself.

PS: These “scores” are considered without any downloads of your creations. I did a lot of photos, paints, tunes and I got ZERO downloads, so f…k it, the script it is.

Any idea how one can increase that blueprint rank without racing until christmas ?

PS2: Drag races blueprints help a bit, they take way less time.


One of my tracks was chosen for the PG Editor’s Choice and I made it to level 5 within the week.