I posted about this previously, you can read it here
About a week as passed, and regardless about how many downloads and likes my liveries and vinyl groups are getting, I’m not gaining any painter influence from them.
This is really worrying, as my ultimate goal is to get to painter level 20 and I’m still stuck on 4, despite tripling the number of downloads I had in only a week.
Also as a side note, I’m fairly sure I got the reward for hitting lvl 5 in painting when I logged in the other night, but it still says I’m lvl 4. (the level 5 reward is a wheelspin, and I’m not entirely sure how else you’d be able to get one of those while offline otherwise)
I tripled my livery downloads and I’m not gaining any painting influence, what’s the fix?
I answered this is someone elses thread
Thought it was yours
For some reason painter influence doesnt count downloads and uses
It only seems to count the number of designs you make
So make more designs and your influence will go up
That’s absolutely not how it’s been working.
1,400 downloads got me to three quarters through level 4, and it’s easy to tell that downloads were effecting influence because it was raising unproportionally fast compared to how many liveries I was actually putting out.
Even if you manage to explain that, why is it that I still need 6080 influence to level up to level 5 despite the fact I’ve made 30+ new liveries since I stopped gaining influence - which would make up about a third of my liveries in total?
This sucks. I feel left in the dark and extremely disappointed. Just weeks ago I was getting 5-10k influence from a handful of downloads like it’s nothing. Now that I log on to ~800 new downloads every 12 hours or so and I’ve multiplied my total downloads by 10? I get next to no painter influence at all. I’ve gained 100 influence for the past 30ish liveries I’ve uploaded. This is busted and I’m incredibly disappointed.
Ive explained it to you
And that’s going from my personal experience…it is how it works
Ive tested it and that is the only way i could increase painter influence was by creating new designs and sharing
You get 100 influence for each livery you upload and share…great fun
You’re right, sorry. simple math dictates that you have to make 500 liveries to get enough painter influence to reach level 20, I have just over 90 liveries and I’m just under painter level 5.
I’ll just set up a bot and spam a bunch of liveries instead of actually earning it.