Does any one maybe take time and make an alpina striping to an E30 M3 (the original blue and green) and make an alpina E28 with red in the ground and white striping?
would also be awesome with an alpina striping for the e36 in the original blue! But if someone wants to make some of this it would be great! =)
Here’s my garbage trail run. This is literally my first paint attempt on any forza game. I’m going to completely re do it. Just wanted to see if I could even get it close.
Real car
My lame recreation
I found a pic the the blue/green one OP wanted and I’m going to try.
After just doing these stripes I have a new found respect for the real painters on here. I have no clue how you do it.
Hehe, you are too hard on yourself. That looks fine for a first run. Other than the Alpina lettering which would need some tweaking, I think the design works.
Its far from Lame, give yourself some credit!
Youve done a pretty good job with it overall. Just tweek the alpina text more towards the true logo and it will be a well replicated design