Drag pulls/ kanjo xb1

Looking for serious chill people that like to drag race non crazy super cars…
I mainly race s1,s2,Hondas,and rwd only.
I also do kanjo style racing and touge also.

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I will join you if you add me

Yo add me KiloBrown64k on xb1 the club I’m in is starting a top 10 drag list Muscle cars 850hp or lower jus meed more ppl down I don’t have a mich but I’m always down to deag jusnlet me me spec an ill build a car …add me tho bro an let me know

Me and my buddy have been trying to line something up like this. Add us on gazactrjoe22 and chinagold91 we’re down to do some rolls

I would like to do some racing add me SableCaesar3370