Looking for people to drag race with

I’m looking for people who are interested in drag racing using true old school drag cars, no super cars or any thing like that. message me your xbox tag if your interested

I’m down, but I’m usually only on during the weekends.

Same wth me so send me your gamer tag and we can start setting it up and if you know any one who might be interested have tem message me with their tag

fhra.webs.com We run weekly races most saturday nights fro 10pm EST and refuse to run supercars :slight_smile:

I’m looking to run a muscle car drag races so I’m defaintly interested if your running something like that

We tend to run muscle cars a fair bit and mainly stick to front engine RWD

I’m looking to run a muscle car drag races so I’m defaintly interested if your running something like that

hey im interested. im a pretty good tuner so i could help u guys out only play on weekends gemertag= JDMS SUCK

My tag is MuscleMcGlasses send me a message on xbox if your interested in drag racing around saturday at 12 pm EST it will be muscle car only nothing post-manufactfure 1971 any class any tune set up any question on all the cars that includes message me and i will give you a list hope to see you on the strip

I race muscle cars and tuners and some classics with a few Euro cars in the mix, mainly rwd. Intalect187

Im down

My home was just robbed and my xbox was a casualty. I should be ready to be back online by the months end. I am super interested in private drag lobbies for muscle. However, I will be needing to rebuild a garage, and so will have some slower tunes in the beginning so please bear with me. I hope to drag you guys in a months time! Leadfoot Daddy - gamertag

I’m going to add everyone to my friends list who has posted on here, feel free to add me. If I’m not driving in circles for money to make drag cars I’m tuning a drag car, if I’m not tuning I’m testing it. Not a huge fan of forza’s drag lobby (reason being there is no staging or tree to measure who has best reaction time) so I’m trying to get a friends list of people who would like to run on the street. I’m down with factory motor- all motor or aspirated, and motor swaps. I’m also fine with running a tree most of the time like in horizon (3 brakes then go on reverse). Right now the game just isn’t fun enough for me in the drag lobbies, would love to hear from any of you.

yea I agree its not as much fun as on the streets

Sorry that was long, just wanted to add, I play when I can, I’m married and in law enforcement, I have a very screwed up schedule. But I’m off work every other weekend (off this weekend) so Ill try to get on then.

Im down to run with you guys! Especially classic mucle!!! Hit me up!!

We alsmo run 8 wide index racing on Saturdays 10 PM CST

go here to sign up!!


I’ll be on this weekend for sure. Feel free to add me and we can do some racing.

im game add me homie.

I’m interested, and if you are questioning my choice of cars just take a close look at my gamertag and sig pic. :wink:

Hey I can drag race whenever you want so just add KillerSpartan02 and I’ll be on whenever