Drag car bodykits for newer muscle cars and old muscle cars

A lot of people like doing drag racing in Forza Horizon 5, but we dont have proper kits and exhaust exits and proper power adders. It will all make sense just keep reading. First, lets cover the exhaust. If anyone reading this has ever seen drag racing on TV or person, you’ll know that the cars going down the track have unique exhaust exits, mainly because of the power adder that is aplied to the car, cars with blowers aka superchargers normally have zoomie headers and turbo cars normally have front bumper exit exhaust or exhaust tips coming out of the body behind the front tire, or out the hood like the Hoonicorn! The next thing to cover is proper power adders. Yes we already have superchargers and centrifugal superchargers and twin turbos and single turbos, but they arent all correct. Now this is drag racing we are talking about not tuners and stuff like that. Well, now that I think about it, the power adders are fine, if anyone reading this wants to cover this in their own requests the feel free. Final thing to cover is the drag car bodykits. If you have ever gone to an event where drag cars were present, you’d know that cars such as a Foxbody Mustang have parachutes and a wheelie bar, and an airdam front bumper. It would be cool to add these bodykits into fh5 because there are a lot of competitive drag racing lobbies, and a lot of people that would agree with me when I say drag car bodykits should be a thing in Forza Horizon 5. Thank you for tuning into my very long and probably pointless rant.