Forza has a long history of having the Forza aero for every car in the game. Some cars have licensed bodykits but some of those have been removed due to licensing issues.
Can the devs consider adding their own designed bodykits? It worked really well on the Viper AE which got new Forza aero all around.
Games like Need for Speed, GTA and The Crew Motorfest have it too and you can choose from a range of bodykits and parts to customize your car.
This way licensing won’t be (that big of) an issue as it is now. Customization is a big part of most racing games nowadays and as we all know Forza is a bit behind on this.
I hope Forza can do some catching up with self designed bodykits. I know the game used to have a more realistic approach with licensed bodykits, but I think self designed bodykits are definitely not out of place in either Horizon or Motorsport. There are even self designed bodykits in the game already but not for many cars.
What do you think?