dont buy dlc

Dont spend any more money on the forza 5 app untill they fix the game plus if you look at the dlc cars most of them were on forza 4 why pay for something we have already paid for
hit them in the bank accont thats all they care about


I bought some milk last week but I used it and now I need to buy it again, should I boycot the supermarket because I already paid for some and they won’t give me it for free?


Really bad reference i think… If you not drink you will die(doesnt matter if its milk or another product, if you not play the game with the latest cars you will not die!

Really saying this once wasnt enough for you. Forget that the other FM games were ever made, they are from an old system that even if they could just port the cars over they would look like crap. I just jumped to FM3 the other day because XBOX LIVE was have issues with the cloud and you can really see how much things have improved.

FM 1-4 are the past on old outdated equipment. Look at the differences between 2-4 huge, can wait to see what games will look like on the ONE in a couple of years. you wouldn’t be happy if you brought a brand new Ferrari and popped the hood to find and old engine they just thru in there to make it easier would you. I would complain if they did that with the cars, new system, new and better car models.

Thank you for the feedback. Have a nice day.