Does the Immersion Mod not exist?

Hey everyone I’ve been trying to get the “up to the challenge” achievement. Problem is I’ve spent close to 10 million in credits and still have not unlocked it. Now I have no credits lol. I have had no problems unlocking any other mods. Any suggestions?

If this is the Mod I am thinking about, it can be found in the 150,000 CR Mod packages. Be patient though, it takes a while to get.

The mod you’re looking for does exist, apparently it’s just not easy to come by. I stuck with buying the 150,000 mod packs and got it eventually after spending millions of credits.

I’ve gotten it two or three times from the 150k packs. It’s pretty much just down to luck, obviously.

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Thanks guys I’ve literally spent hours just buying mods it seems, quite frustrating.

Never use the mods much except the no line, tcs, cockpit stuff. Never use the line and drive cockpit anyway. Why waste my time trying to get a mod that I can do manually? Using the other ones, I always felt like I was cheating. Why. It’s against the AI. I just dial the AI difficulty up or down depending on the car I’m using. I do use the DARE one that starts me 22nd in my career races.

He’s going for the achievement. That’s it.

Outside of that, the mods are fairly useless

Back on topic. OP, just keep playing. I remember earning a mod pack via driver spins that had the mod card I needed for achievement and then used 150k mod packs to get another mod I needed. You’ll get it eventually.

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Yea I’m only trying for the achievement just not able to unlock the mod. I race with the highest difficulty, no assists and no mods

Another useful mode that the mods prove very advantageous is to attain vehicle affinity race the AI over the ‘‘Ring’’ and with the right mods you can attain affinity quickly and don’t forget there are also some achievements you will require using mods to attain.
PS: While racing lap after lap on the ‘‘Ring’’ you improve your skills immensely and it also gives you chance to check out how your tunes will work before you race them in the multiplayer lobbies

Ive also dropped about 10million credits but no immersion mod.

did you read the other comments
which mods pack were you buying
seems most found it buying the 150k mods pack