Hi everyone,welcome to my HORIZON gallery.
This will be the place where i’ll show you some of my HORIZON designs.
All designs can be found in my SF My FM4 gallery
If i remember correctly,i think they were the same flames as the vette.But i covered the flames with a large yellow vinyl and reduced the transparancy of the vinyl untill the flames became just visable.I use this technique a lot.That way you can make paints less sharp(so they look airbrushed) and change the paints color a bit.Just try it and you’ll see what i mean.
Thanks for dropping by.
Thanks. I’m still trying to get good a this whole paint shop thing. I’ve had some pretty awsome paint jobs that I’ve done but now that I see yours it just kinda puts all mine to shame. Lol.
Ugitsome and i made a tutorial in the old forums.Sadly it will be gone soon.
So if you are smart be quick and click this link and copy the thread to your PC in a document. http://legacy.forums.forza.net/forums/thread/6053062.aspx
My tutorial can be found on page 2 in the thread.
Have fun
If you like painting,just keep on painting.You’ll see you’ll get better at it.You realy don’t wanna see my first paints i made in FM3
Anyway, why don’t you start a thread yourself.I’m interested to see your stuff.I’m sure you’ll get some good advice from other painters aswell. @ChewyHarpy084:
Thanks for dropping by. Realy appriciate it.
Thanks for the compliment.But in the beginning i also had troubles to get the porportions wright.So i tryed the raster technique.It helped me a lot.
Just take a quick look at this great tutorial before it will be gone forever.click this link: Raster technique
Hope this will be usefull.