{DL K} For everything DeadLights. Welcomes HotRod King87 back to the fold

Hello everyone & welcome to the offical thread of DeadLights. This thread will contain all the DeadLights artist fantasy paints & information about on going Dead Lights projects & competitions. Any questions for our artist or request will be answered here. Thank you for taking the time to read this & hope you enjoy our stuff.

DeadLights Garage

Photo Showcase

Painters - DreadWalker73, Dr Satan II, DontCallMeBruce, Carbonfreon, ZERO00769, Dragon Arts, Skyhauk, A1 Ray, Maidenmascot, Adelad, EV1L W1LL R1S3, b8design, Smokin Buddy, rockstof, greenphantom2, screechymon, FTW InSaNiTy, ONR Hypoxia, HotLap Designs, Doodley Squat, Sketchamus RJT625 62, TeeWiggs, CHEDDARBOB279, A STEALTH ELF, and koiftt.

Tuners -

Race- D52088, MauveNinja, Bigganomics, FTW InSaNiTy, ONR Hypoxia, FAA LuGnUtZ86, TeeWiggs, & EMS GREG.

Drift- Dr Satan, Bigganomics, & Smokin Buddy

Official Sellers - D52088, FTW InSaNiTy, JAS FIVEZERO, BiiG Shadowz, & GivingUTheGears.

Photographers - Striker 2, Sp1r1tofG0nz0, JAS FIVEZERO, Sketchamus, BO JAFAR, xHACHIKO, & Chevy88.

Film makers- GivingUTheGears, rockstof.

Racers- vwdave92, & Chevy88

Storefront Keyword - DeadLights Kustoms

Our history, by DontCallMeBruce

Deadlights History (2008 - present)

Back in 2008 on Forza 2 myself, and then Dreadanimosity (aka Dreadwalker73) collabed on our first paint - X-Men: Rise of the Sentinels. It was entered and we won the weekly livery contest - Week 32.

Shortly after I closed down my garage (Black Water Creations), and Dread closed his (Worldwalker Creations), and Deadlights was born from the ashes. On October 11, 2008 Deadlights released it’s first collab to be won in one of our contest. The titled paint - Jersey Devil (Porsche Cayman) was a limited edition. Only thirteen cars were made.

Back when we first started we had a darker, gritier theme than what is used today.

Dread went the way of anime, and superheros. I went the way of oddball (lol) paints. Anything from a Get Fuzzy, Happy Tree Friends, to the Body Glove Mustang, and Van Hauler (It had one monster racing tune by D52088. Our first, and oldest tuner for four years straight.)

Along the way we slowly, and I mean slowly made our niche ignoring the negativity from the “old boys” club. To those who did help guide us in our fledgling days we whole heartedly thank you for your kindness & patience. We have since made this a strong point in our garage to always pass on the positive, and aid the newcomers that arrive on the forums. Through apprenticeships, Newcomer Invitational contests, and some simple advice steering them down the right path has made lifelong fans, friends, and sometimes new members.

We did a paint honoring Jerimiah Lasater after a fellow Forza player texted me via Xbox Live about it. Jerimiah was only 14 at the time, and was bullied to the point of taking his own life. We immediatly got to work and with the help of other members, and friends - Duekacer, & Jok3r77.

The paint was posted on the AH in mass to spread the message and we recieved a huge response. Jerimiah’s father had begun Project 51 on the web, a non-profit organization to help other students in need across the country. We sent him photos of the car for which he was grateful to see the gaming community take the time to honor his son. Jerimiah was an avid gamer.

Jerimiah Lasater Memorial paint - (one of our proudest moments)

For more information on Jerimiah ‘Click’ the link - http://www.jeremiah51.com/

We also teamed up with Snowowl to help educate players who were overloading the AH with bannable offensive paints. Most had never stepped foot on the forums. So two cars were designed and let loose in mass again for $1,000 apiece. Each car held infomation regarding bannable items, and the web adress to get more information on what was acceptable on an “E for everyone” game. It was interesting way to get the message out to ease the flood, which it did a little.

At one point we decided to expand our small paint garage into a larger entity called Ronin Inc. I decided to post a filler story explaining what happened to Dead Lights garage as a way to introduce Ronin Inc.

We had the RDT (Ronin Drift Team), a full website, tuning shop, paint shop (fantasy, race, & drift styles), and a virtual magazine (which never really got off the ground). Ronin was a great idea, but too many chiefs/egos quickly killed the concept. Our paint shop split away and came back under the Deadlights banner once more where the ‘laid back’ philosophy of running the garage brought an instant calm to the craziness we left behind. Ronin Inc. quickly sank, never to return.

So here we are five; thats right five years later! We have dropped the gritty look, and kept the gloss. Over that half a decade we have been honored to be attached to so many new/old painters, tuners, photographers, and racers that did thier thing under the DL K banner. We have seen friends come and go, and some have returned as well. We have always left the door open with the welcome mat out. It’s an understanding with us all that when real life comes knocking, that comes first.

With Forza 5 around the corner we’ll meet challenges in running contests, etc. Some of us are staying on Forza 4 for a bit longer as well. But here’s looking at another five years of pumping positive vibes into the community.

Deadlights Members (Past/Present)

Dreadwalker73, DontCallMeBruce, D52088, Blonde Avenger, Adelad, greenphantom2, RELLIK 595, ZERO00769, Carbonfreon, Aj PUNISHER, PICKLEONASTICK, RDT SlimSean, Dr Satan II, KC Wolf 93, JayBee 1983, EastHarlem1, Rdt Fizano, Lucifers Axe, DJ Bakalakadaka, Respect it, Curry 3695, RDT SlyXIV, Sneaky, Screechymon, Master of Ewoks, Dragon Arts, LOSTGAMETAG, skyhauk, A1 Ray, Maidenmascot, EV1L W1LL R1S3, DABRANHAM, b8design, HTownSmugglerz, GOOG60, jimelwk 73, MauveNinja, Bigganomics, FTW Insanity, ONR Hypoxia, FAA LuGnUtZ86, TeeWiggs, Smokin Buddy, JAS FIVEZERO, Striker 2, Chevy 88, Sketchamus, Hotrod King87, IDoodle, vwdave 92, rockstof, Nightstalker II, HotLap Designs, Sketchamus, RJT625 62, BO JAFAR, BiiG Shadowz, Alcadrios, Sp1r1tofG0nz0, Doodley Squat, TGF Wolf Jr., Tagging Target, Skyy101 GR455, RDT MGA CUSTOMS, JazzGnat, RDT driftMoNkEy, RDTxJTPTx187, RDT Prime, RDT Sniperz, Dr Galaganogis, xTWCx, CrAzYKILLAMoFo, Andy6543, Overkill1579, SCRONE, ChUck FeArLeSs, Flip FDH, CHEDDARB0B279, xHACHIKO, koiftt & EMS GREG.


DL K Events:
Monthly Photo comp - held by GivingYouTheGears
Nascar Wednesdays - held by onelapmagic
DLK Maxim magazine - held by GivingYouTheGears
Fright Night community event

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Gallery 1 Comic Book paints

Zatanna - maidenmascot

Magneto - DreadWalker73

Battle Chasers - DreadWalker73

Wolverine vs Mystique - DreadWalker73

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Gallery 2 Movie, TV, cartoon, Animation paints

Clone Wars - by HotLap

Lego BatMan - by Adelad

Mr. Bean Halloween - by Sketchumus

Godzilla - by ZERO0069

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Gallery 3 Video Games / race/drift stlye / Photo realistics

Hankook - by maidenmascot

Jessica Alba - by DreadWalker73

Kim Kardashian - by DreadWalker73

Skulls - by rockstof

Paul Walker Tribute car - by rockstof

DL K Bomb - DontCallMeBruce & rockstof

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Gallery 4 J. Scott Campbell

Fairytale Fantasies

Wizard of Oz - by HotLap, EV1L W1LL R1S3, & DreadWalker73

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Photo Competition winners


  1. TehCrazehCatMan, 2. EarAcheMyEye66, 3. Mikeys Box 4. RJT625 62


  1. swtluu 2. ajd440ex38 3. texaspotatolord 4. AZ TrA1nWR3ck


  1. D3AN 711 2. Brokenvegetable 3. Cmitch58 4. DJllama22
    BONUS: TehCrazehCatMan


  1. SuspectThrone59 2. Beany Bob 3. PoketRoc 4. Optimus Shyne
    BONUS: Turkeyboy696X


  1. Mikeys Box 2. nonficshaun 3. TheStigsCousin 4. ceelint


  1. koiftt 2. CHEDDARBOB279 3. koiftt 4. gdub
    BONUS: PocketPoncho UK



Cmitch58, adj440ex38

Mini-Comp FLORA

swtluu21, koiftt

Main Comp

  1. AspategaElSonsu 2. PtGallo 3. CHEDDERBOB279 4. Olivback



Seps1974, Squirrel Jetz


swtluu21, Squirrel Jetz

Main Comp

  1. mosley34 2. PocketPoncho UK 3. RT79pt 4. Mikeys Box


  1. swtluu 2. koiftt 3. Mikeys Box


FrightNight Logo Comp




koiftt, Cmitch


GivingUTheGears, gdub700

Main Comp

  1. Dean 711 2. swtluu 3. PocketPoncho UK 4. DJllama



BlandBarbacue, PocketPoncho UK

Main Comp

  1. gdub700 2. PocketPoncho UK 3. Cmitch 4. DaveTheRave307



RJT625 62





AZ TrA1nWR3ck



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Great start Dread! A new year, new forums, but same group that wont stop when others drop. Cheers everyone! Here’s to 2014 and beyond!

Nice thread Dread. I’ll be posting up some stuff soon bud.


Nice setup Dread!
Spotlight car, contests, artists, photo’s and the different galleries.
Maybe link the events to the threads?

Heres a new WIP from me. Need to do a few minor touch-ups and thinking about putting the design on the Plymouth Barracuda…thoughts?


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Nice new DLK Homepage Dread!!! Love the layout.But like the idea Papa team pkmn suggested,inserting links to the different events would make it even more perfect.
@Doodley: love that peace of art, can’t wait to see it on the cuda.

Thank guys. Should have links up by this weekend. Also more pics up.

My latest WIP

Very nice WIP Dread, cant wait to see it finished.

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All of these are fantastic !!! I am just blown away.
I have tried to do some designs but now that I have seen what pro’s can do … let’s just say I will not be patting myself on the back anytime soon, if ever.

something new in the works:

I write you from Russia, at once I apologize for the English.i would like to order somehow design or group vinils at DeadLights Kustoms

I’ve been designing now for about a year and I always like the work you guys do.

Thank you for your interest in our club. We seldom do requests for paints or vinyl’s but you can find our storefronts by searching “Deadlights” or searching on individual artists…the list of painters in in the first post. If there is anyway we can help just send us a message over xBox live or post here. Thank you and Welcome!

“Спасибо за ваш интерес к нашему клубу. Мы редко делают запросы на краски или винила, но вы можете найти наши витрины с помощью функции поиска “глухими” или поиск по отдельным художникам … список художников в в первом посте. Если есть в любом случае мы можем помочь только отправить нам сообщение через Xbox Live или разместить сообщение. Спасибо и добро пожаловать!”

Thank you! We are now in our 5th year as a club and many of our members have been painting for longer than that! Glad you enjoy our work. Thanks.
