This should probably go without saying, but all images are unedited beyond what filters are available in-game.
This should probably go without saying, but all images are unedited beyond what filters are available in-game.
Those shots of the 370 under the crane are pretty cool!
Excellent gallery and some really original compositions.
Love this
+1 Nice shot.
Very unique stuff! I suggest not using the forza gallery as a image host, and to use flickr instead.
Thanks everyone. I was kinda nervous my shots wouldn’t be very well recieved.
oh, I’ve got one. I host my forza and skyrim screenshots there:
This is mental! In a good way, not boil your cat in a saucepan,mental.
Very original
There are some nice photos in that collection. You seem to have a very dark composition across the whole collection. Not a bad thing at all, just something I picked up on!
AG is right! You really nailed the rain!
Wow the Alpine and the GTR shots are crazy good!!
Thanks everyone!