Disapearing paint jobs.

What has been happening to me is I’ve been doing my own paint jobs but if I turn my game off and start the game back up the following day my paint job is still saved but has been removed from the car so all I have is a Gray gtr. Also I have just noticed about 2 mins ago why has every detail I added to the car have a white outline?

Have had this occur on my own created liveries as well - drives me a bit nuts, I thought I had exited the paint shop incorrectly or lost all my work… But exactly as you describe - livery is saved, but not applied to the car anymore…

I have been having a similar issue, every time I go to paint a car everything works fine, i exit out and click save to current car but it doesnt save to the car. so now I cant change the paint on any of my cars. Has your issue been solved? If so what did you do to fix it?