Design exchange to boost painter level

Hi fellow FH4 painters. I recently started painting a number of cars and was wondering if there are others who are trying to get their skills up as well and level up. I figured we can follow each other and DL each others designs and help the Community level up.

Just list your gamer tag and we can exchange designs.
brkeng is mine. Just like my username.

Thanks and happy painting!

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You got some pretty cool design’s and I have downloaded a few. Even gave a follow. Keep up the good work! Make sure to post some pics of your pieces when you get the chance. Also, forgot… Welcome to the forums :slight_smile:


Thanks I will be adding more! i will look you up!


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Great idea brkeng.

Just followed you both and downloaded a couple - will do more.

My gamertag is D1stortion1, and I’d be really grateful if you felt inclined to check out some of my designs.

BTW, just noticed that since they brought in the share code for designs, nearly all my designs are missing from the Designs Shared section of my Creative Hub. Am I missing something?

Cheers guys!


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I posted this in the FH4 Discussion thread about the new update…

I found a way to view my storefront as it was before the update.
(In any vehicle) Go to FIND NEW DESIGNS and press Search

Type your Gamertag into the CREATOR field and hit SEARCH

Hey presto! You can now scroll through all your shared designs as they were originally set out in your Storefront…

The same applies for any Gamertag you type into the ‘Creator’ search…


Found ya!


Your tutorials are always awesome MIDNYTE DUBH :+1:. Don’t know where we’d be with out them​:sunglasses:.

Cheers Kilo, each time we get thrown the odd googly (or curveball) I just try to find a way to adapt. Chances are it may not have turned out the way it was intended so who knows, there might be another ‘fix’ in the near future?

Back on topic guys, nice idea but I’m not sure if you’ll get all that much out of posting here as it’s relatively quiet these days but posting pictures of your work (or at least links to them) is probably the best way to use the forums.
If you haven’t already, I’d suggest sharing your designs/vinyls on the Official FM & Horizon Xbox Clubs as well as any other Forza related clubs out there. Social media will always help get more exposure :slightly_smiling_face:


I’ll look your liveries up next time I’m in the game (today or tomorrow), brkeng.
Happy to support a new painter!

Downloaded and “Liked” some of your designs today, brkeng.
Thanks for letting us know you’re releasing liveries. Happy to support new painters!

I have no idea if people even see the designs made by lesser mortals…I would love to get more exposure - I’ll have a look at yours next time I go online. Have a look round mine too, I believe I have done some decent skins.

Good stuff. I will look yours up too!

Is this by any means relevant to this topic? :open_mouth:

I have to get that for my EVO VIII!!! (In my avatar)

Modded to about

Class A 600

Matte black with red.

Have a look and DL more if you like it!


PS followed storefronts are working again! Much easier to DL your designs now!