Is their any benefiet of having Damabe on Simulation other than Money or experience and the obvious engine damage ect, i ask this to a couple of friends a couple nights ago they didnt think so but does effect any thing at all? And thats why good point iam not winning any races because my car gets killed and i do t finish alot of races either because of simulation.
Well, it will certainly has a negative effect on the car as parts become damaged; therefore, causing you to drive a bit more strategically. But, apart from the credit and experience points rewards for having simulation damage turned on, there is no other advantage.
I race in Solo mode with Sim Damage, and use it when I’m driving around or running Rivals mode. It keeps me on my toes and focused on clean driving. And it gives me more XP and credits.
However, online, it’s darn near impossible to be competitive with Sim Damage on, as most everyone is using cosmetic. You’ll be lucky to reach destinations in road trips or even finish races with sim damage on, most races tend to have a little pushing and shoving. So I run Cosmetic Damage too when I race online.
It’s pretty painless to switch the setting when I go between online racing and career mode.
Ok my mai concern was the tires and brakes if having it on simulation makes the tires stick because i generally lower the psi for grip so i didnt know if cosmetic automaticaly heated the tires for you and balanced the break pressure.
I would have to double check the in-game diagnostics overlay to be sure, but I am confident that with simulation damage turned off the tires are warmed to the optimal temperature from the onset.