Custom License Plates

If instead of posting an unnecessary critisism, you used that time to scroll down and look at the rest of the pictures, you’d notice that’s not all he’s done. Quite frankly, you can’t get anymore detailed with the British number plates, other than making the letters seem bevelled. The majority of them don’t even have the Euro GB ‘logo’ on the left, they’re just a white and yellow rectangle. However, his other plates are more detailed, with correct details.

Besides, i don’t see anybody else offering replica, custom-made license plates for the community. This guy’s doing a nice thing and he’s doing a great job at it. Did your mother never tell you, “If you have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything at all”? It’s actually some great advice, and will you get a long way in life.

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I can do genuine UK style plates with the correct font.
Just search bullitt ad1 on the game and you’ll see them there.
Any questions or requests message on Xbox

Actually is more than 8…

But sure, is just a couple of rectangles and a few colours. Simple right? However when I personally do it, they always look crap, artificial for some reason. His look great. So, yeah, it’s great he’s making himself available to do this things for the community.

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Nice plates mate! Looking quite good!

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good way to keep yourself busy :wink: nice work btw!

great looking work. I may be asking for a plate soon. Gotta decided which style i want to use!

The german signs build with the wrong typo. The right one is called FE-Schrift (FE typo): FE-Schrift – Wikipedia

Hi Frayed, could you make a California plate with - ERS40


is there any way you can replicate the Kentucky license plate below?

a Kentucky plate would be sweet, don’t care which one though. I run the Friends of Coal plate on my personal car. [Mod Edit - Not allowed - D]

Australian Plates?

Any chances you can make a New-Brunswick (Canada) plate?

I would like a Swedish plats (blank One) and One with the name Mardagg on it if possible

I made myself a plate tonight, is there anyway i can save it as a vinyl group to use again… actually done it in the decal section in paint, so only saved as a paint job in design catalog with the paintjob as well… ?? new at this…lol…never mind i re done it.

Can you please make me a Environmental Illinois license plate (The Green one with a cardinal on it) with SANIC on it plus a black one too? And if that’s too hard to make a regular Illinois license plate would be fine.


The following requests have been uploaded:

Also, I completely re-did the German plate which now includes exact plate dimensions and corner radius, accurate 12-star EU emblem, and custom font. Will be incorporating the same elements to the rest of the EU plates shortly.

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Any chance of organising some plates for me? :slight_smile:

TIA :slight_smile:

Awesome work. Could you make one for california plates?

Awesome work. Could you make one for california plates?

Awesome man. Can you do one for california plates?