Custom Collections/Folders (cars / vinyls)

Searching through 800+ cars is quite tricky, especially when playing online and you have 60 seconds… Also, when you start working with livery editor and start creating/downloading vinyl groups, the selection becomes very crowded very quickly, making is quite hard to find that one specific vinyl group…

So I thought, would it be possible to give us option to create custom collections/folders?

Anyone could then create folders to better organize their cars (folder for each class, rally tunes, offroad, drift tunes, horizon arcade specials, gifted cars,…) or vinyl groups (folder for downloaded vinyls, manufacturer logos, custom shapes/backgrounds, templates, artworks,…)

For cars, it could also work as grouping option (similar to group by manufacturer, country, year,…) - you would create your own tabs, then for each car you would select under which group it should appear and then have last tab for unsorted cars.