I play this game on the XBOX.
I Buy and selling cars at the Auction house daily for making profit. I do this since day one when the game came out. That’s my favourite part of the game.
This mornig i collected the credits from the cars i sold last night but now i have a problem. I can’t have more credits than 999,999,999.
Is it possible in an update for this game for having more than 999,999,999 credits?
Are there other players got the same problem as me?
You can make bids on cars that you know for sure isn’t going to be the final bid and don’t collect the money after auctions have ended. That way you can “lock” some money away.
If you have all the cars and have nothing better to do with the money, then better way would be making someone happy - buy some non legend painter/tuner auctioned HE cars with max buyout price.
Try playing GT. It had a 10 million cap and they later upped it to only 50 million, lol I’m suspicious of anybody who has that many credits in this game already though. Unless you’ve played 24-7 every day since it came out I don’t see how you could possible have that many (unless you took advantage of the glitch that was around when the game first came out in which case you theoretically cheated).