Amount of credits we earn no longer visible after races/events? All I see is accolade points and XP!
Seems it’s a issue now. There is no screen shows amount of credit we get. And no one is sure if we are getting double credits.
After getting the VIP house we’re supposed to get double forzathon points. But in festival playlist weekly showing 81 points and daily showing 1 point. Any idea? Are we really getting double points?
Seems no, I played only 1 arcade event and finished 1 daily before buying the VIP house. So my total should be 240. But oddly I have 146. No idea how I got that number. (30 (Arcade) + 160 (Weekly) + 10 (Daily) + 20 (Daily) + 20 (Daily))
Where can I see the current radio station being played? It’s like no where to see. I can switch stations using D-Pad but not shown anywhere.
Now it’s appearing every time I change the station. But not visible anywhere in Menu. So unless you really know how to differentiate the station there is no way to know which is playing right now.
Is there way to start Horizon Arcade other than using festival playlist? I don’t see any options under menu.
Seems no other way.
Talking of Arcade isn’t supposed to always available? But sometimes when I try it’s says not available something!
Seems not available all the time as well. It appears in map randomly. Never noticed the frequency.
What’s the different between the Trail in Forza 4 and Horizon Tour? It’s looks same except we need to drive to the next event similar to FH2.
Still looks exactly same. Except need to waste lot of time to drive to the next event then somehow game shows fast travelling to the event.
I know still early, but hopefully someone already figured these…
I also want to know why the amount of credits we earn are not visable after a race, and i am not getting double forzathon points either after getting the vip house.
Yep I have the same issue with the credits, or should i say, the lack thereoff. One of the reasons for purchasing the VIP status was the double credits. And even though i have accumilated quite some due to wheelspins etc, double credits don’t show up. It’s even worse, the whole credit page in the end results just plain DON’T show. At all. Sometimes I get a “you earned 25.545 credits” notification on the screen, but… No breakdown whatsoever.
Speaking of wheelspins. I sometimes get them from accumilating XP, but I don’t -get- the wheelspin. No “press X” nothing in the pause menu. Nothing.
I don’t feel like i bought a premium version here. I bought early access. I don’t expect this from Microsoft.
It sometimes incorrectly shows you levelling up to the same level twice. That could be it. You then already used your wheelspin for that level, but it suggests you have another one.
Thanks a lot for the replies guys. Seems there are lot of minor issues which is not even listed under known issues. I would be happy if they acknowledge the issues so that it may be fixed.
Only time I’ve seen anything related to credits earned is after completing a Story Chapter…when you return to Free Roam, it shows up bottom left where your skill XP displays when banked etc.
Double Forzathon points doesn’t seem to be active. Might be a bug or intentional, no-one knows
Good question…it used to display in the FH4 menu…haven’t seem anything like that so far
Horizon Arcade shows up on the map, much like the Forzathon live that it replaced. They show up every 30 minutes I think, might even be 15 and there will be several around the map, some contain random series of events, some are a specialty such as drifting (all 3 rounds are drift events).
Double Forzathon Points will only have a effect for the Forza Arcade Session and not for the daily or weekly forzathon challenge. That was the same in FH4. You only get double FP if you doing the forza arcade (formerly known as forzathon).
And as of lacking any players doing this so far I stopped as I barely can finish one round in 15 minutes all alone…
That’s wrong. In Horizon 4 weekly challenge gave us 100 points, daily 10 each and completing all weekly and 7 daily give 30 Bonus. With VIP it was doubled so in total we could get 400. That’s how I have 30k+ unused points there. For Forzathon events normally 10 points per round, with VIP we could get 60 points if we manage to clear all 3 rounds.
In FH5 I’m sure weekly and daily still not doubled. I have no idea about Arcade because at the end of the event it’s not showing how many points we got. I’m really surprised by the lack of these information especially earned points and CRs after playing.
Thanks for the reply. I have noticed a credits earned message as a small bubble when we returned to free roam, but that too not always. I have no idea why they had to mess with that. Seeing the amount of credits we earn for playing each events crucial in long run.
Jogicat, I hope you weren actually getting double and not missing out.
Edit: perhaps participation will change when everyone has access and the store is available. I haven’t attended any rather working through everything else.
I’m not even earning any credits either. So as a protest, I uninstalled it. I am going on strike from this game. And if anyone else is having problems with the credits not being paid, I suggest you do the same and uninstall the game too. We do not have to stand for this.