Gives me immense pleasure to this day so as to how you guys improved the overall sound balance of the game.
The “dink” menu sounds and announcer’s voice are way to loud; I find myself having to lower the volume between EVERY race and then jack it back up for the race.
Please give us an option to lower the menu sounds or turn them off completely, Ala FM3.
It’d be nice to have sliders for each portion of the game’s sound (BGM, UI, engine etc.) but it looks like Turn 10 prefer to have a master slider and an on/off approach to individual sound elements.
when one has played rock band 3 to the point of unlocking the airplane, no noise any game sends your way will compare to that. personally I have not had any issues with the sounds in this game, but I am probably in the minority heh
^^ Yeh, you are definitely in the minority. How does RB3 fit into this discussion anyway?
Maybe you play your game on TV speakers or a low volume to begin with, but many of us find it really annoying and tedious to have to mute or turn down the sound in menus and then crank it up once a race begins. They… are… TOO… LOUD. I don’t want to hear the lady say the same thing over and OVER again. Geez, give us sliders PLEASE.
She’s so loud! Lol. Still catches me off guard sometimes between races… I hit the next button and look away and it’s always followed by this booming “YOUR NEXT RACE!” and it makes me flinch. XD
I like the volume of the announcer’s voice; it’s the “ding” noise as you navigate the menu that is annoying. A volume adjuster is a preferred fix for this.
Thank you for “seconding” that! I hated the “ding” sound from the very start… why does it have to be so loud and bassy? I almost always have to mute the sound between races. Not always the simplest task since my amp’s volume has to be adjusted EVERY time - it has no mute button/option.
F5’s menu sound was so subtle and appropriate. In FM3, you could turn them off completely. Why oh why did they eliminate the sliders since FM3, I will never know…
I fully agree that most of the non-racing sounds in this game are way too loud (or maybe racing sound is just too low in general). I too find myself fiddling with the volume control of my TV way too often and it should not be needed.
The biggest audio frustration is the intro movie volume when you load up the game. Normally my TV is at volume 20-25 for Forza when I race (not using in-game music, just car sounds). For that intro I really need to lower the audio to below 10, if not my ears will explode!
A fix for this would be welcome.
Talking about intro’s, since I’m the only player on my Xbox, is there somewhere a setting where I can make myself the default player so that Forza doesn’t show me that player selection screen anymore when I start the game? I do log in automatically in my Xbox (I can see my friends and messages etc) but somehow Forza always needs to ask it as well when I start the game.
I get that message asking me to sign in randomly. Sometimes it pops up, sometimes doesn’t. Never used to happen when I had gotten the game in Sept. I think it may have something to do with either a game update or most likely the new console UI. Anyway, not an issue - if it pops up, just sign in, and you’re there.
I typically play late at night when everyone else in my house is asleep. Between the loud launch screen and the loud commentary I am afraid of waking someone up even with the volume way down. It’s very frustrating. I would at least like to turn the female voice commentary off. I don’t need to know what the car I just bought is called or the track info before each race.