Continuously long load times


Sorry if this has been answered before or posted in wrong place.

Since the December update I have had continuously long load times from the very home screen, to each section of the game.

For example it will take on average about 6 minutes to actually start driving in the game.

I am playing on PC.

If anyone has any thoughts on what I can do to fix this I would greatly appreciate it. I can’t even enjoy this game at this point cause the long load times…

Every other game in my library plays and load flawlessly.

Thank you!

Is the game on an SSD? Mine is and I am having slightly longer loading times, and extremely long times to save new cars to garage and paint jobs, etc.

It was, I have no since unistalled the game and reinstalled on my HDD (this took about 2 days yay slow internet)

So far so good… Not sure what fixed it, changing it back to an HDD or just reinstalling the game.