Content Update - November 7 - version 1.210.773

Just saw that there was an update today… 521mb on PC… Have we seen a list of updates/fixes yet or have I missed it?

We got an update on the Xbox as well but it was 256mb.

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FH4 Release Notes: November 7th, 2018
by Nitro Glitter

We’re constantly working to improve the experience in Forza Horizon 4. Below you will find a summary of items fixed or improved upon in this Content Update.

Version Number
PC: 1.210.773.2
Xbox: 1.210.773.0

Cross Platform Fixes

Fixed a bug where some players were not being awarded “Antique Restorer” achievement, despite having collected all the Barn Finds.
Updated the reward for Winter trial to make the Green Morph Suit clothing item available to players.
Fixed a bug where players were unable to get their vehicle reset (either through flipping, or missing a checkpoint) during Team Adventure.
Prevent cars from appearing ghosted whilst in Photo Mode.
Fixed a bug where Drivatars were all showing as Wristband Level 1 in race results screens.
Fixed an issue where completing a Route Blueprint event would leave the player at the end of the on-disc route, rather than the blueprinted route.
Route Blueprint fliers now show “Custom Route” to distinguish then from other Blueprints.
Added a Report button to Designs, Tunes, Photos, Vinyls in the Creative Hub menu.
Fixed an issue where some players were not prompted to join the session.
Reduced the chance of sessions failing to start in Ranked Team Adventure following successful matchmaking.
General Stability improvements.

PC Fixes
Fixed a bug where changing visual presets with framerate set to >60 will result in mismatch between framerate and UI in-game after a reboot.

Wheel Fixes
Fixed a bug where users were unable to navigate menus after clearing a custom wheel profile.
Fixed Multi-USB device saving action map issue.

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These are great. I didn’t realise why I’d spawned on a dirt road after completing a custom circuit race starting and finishing at the Gauntlet.

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Is it just me, or has the train animation also been fixed? Looked a whole lot smoother when it bulldozed me on the airstrip earlier…


This update broke the FFB on my custom wheel profile rendering my wheel setup to be useless. Normal profile is working, but i need a custom profile.

The barn find achievement works! Finally got that 1000 GS.

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For me is no changes (X One). But Barn Find achievement finally popped up.

Fast travel to Kingfisher Cottage and Derwent Mansion places the player outside of the house entry area.

Sadly the glitch for double forzathon points did not get fixed.

Yep, still waiting for a fix on this. Not getting my double FPs since the 23th october update.

Is there a more detailed explanation into this?;

‘Reduced the chance of sessions failing to start in Ranked Team Adventure following successful matchmaking.’

I tried about 8-9 times last night to get a ranked game while in a small convoy for every single one to fail or bug out, same exact problem. I hope they’re going to revisit this problem properly in the supposed November 20th patch?

You might as well just make the Team Adventure that does work the ‘ranked’ one…at least the matchmaking works.

I don’t believe I have gotten this update. It usually prompts me when there is an update and I have not seen it. I also manually searched for the update in the game file but do not see it on XB1