CO-OP Blueprint Problem


When I’m in a Convoy and I start a blueprint race my controller stops responding and keyboard too.The only way to fix this is to restart the game.

This happens to anyone that is the convoy leader and starts a blueprint race.

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Also in me too.In xbox x.Even without convoy if you go to blueprint and select co-op controller stops responding and have to restart the game.

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Previously posted this issue with the blueprint races I’ve created. It would be nice to get this acknowledged and investigated by T10. PC version.


I hope they have seen this post and are looking into it as it is so annoying a makes online races so hard to do.

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I just have exactly the same problem when hosting a blueprint game the controler and the keyboard are all out of control. Hope this issue could be fixed asap~

I have the same problem on my pc. Hope this gets recognized…

This is still a serious problem that needs to be acknowledged as a known issue and addressed.

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The whole online is a mess!!