Awesome set Clyde! Love the last one
Beautiful shot.
I like most of LaFerrari shots you took.
Keep it up! 200 shots is nothing as long as you enjoy it.
Nice shots. I like them all.
2nd one is beautiful!
It’s been a while since my last upload, and now I have a backlog of pictures. Thank you for the nice comments and the appreciation.
The last one of the first set is amazing
Preview looks amazing Clyde! Love the color and the angle of it
My favourite from your LaFerrari set is shot number 2.
You realize it’s been too long since you last posted something when you have to go looking for your gallery, and you don’t even remember the 3d title. Oh, bother!
My contribution to Brokenvegetable’s Project Every1. Not my most inspired shots (and that’s saying something), but I got a lot of stuff happening and that leaves little room for Forzatography. Besides, the X1/9 is a joyful car… But it’s a pain to get a decent angle on it. And I am way out of practice, I had to get almost 200 shots to produce 18 semi-decent ones.
Was I working on a set? Yes. Yes, I was. But you know how I am: easily distracted and lacking in perseverance. It will be done at some point: it will have lots of cool photos and words (because I am better at storytelling than I am at photography… And that, too, is saying something). There’s also another 18 shots I have to get, this time of the 512 TR… And hopefully I’ll manage to nab the Maserati after that. Which one, you ask? ALL OF THEM.
Great shots of the X1 Clyde! It does look like a bit of a pain to take pictures of.
You will never go wrong with Ferrari I like all of these photos
Very nice shots.
I’m digging this one out of the X1 set.
The Rolls is far too damn fun for a car of that brand and mystique (and weight), and driving the Spark-Renault feels a bit like being at the dentist. Oh, and the new Mustang? Totally better than the old one. Not much to say about the couple of Q50s (both feel too perfect, and the Eau Rouge is basically a supercar your mother-in-law would approve of). And the Astra, a true average car, is a good benchmark for the Forza physics: it’s a car which you can probably compare to your everyday ride, and it does feel right, therefore I will assume the other cars feel right too from now on.
It was nice of T10 to surprise-release another pack. Loads of bonus points because it’s free - I thought they had someone as dumb as bricks in charge of selling their games, but I stand corrected, and humbled.