G0NZ0'S G4LL3RY - Enzo & Randoms

Hi again everyone, I decided to finally open up a new gallery on the new forums.

Comments, critiques and silence are all encouraged. Thanks!

This is just a splattered collection of FM5 shots, some new, some old. I’ll add more new as time permits.

Thanks for looking!

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New set 7/20. Enzo and randoms.

This shot reminds me of Dr. Strangelove:

And speaking of movies, picked up an Astra and this paint came up as the first recommend. Movie fans should check it out. HR Giger (RIP) by Smarkel.


Now I’m just being overly optimistic…

4 : )

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Glad to see you’ve come to your senses and opened one :stuck_out_tongue:
Beautiful start my friend, but i have to admit this shot is pure P**N :slight_smile:

^^ What he said!


Nice to see this gallery come to action!! You always produce such quality stuff man. Great work!

#2, This pic is beautifully done.

Thanks for the warm re-welcome guys! I hope to get back at it soon but there were just too many Nazis to kill last week! And now I can hack anything too?!? Picking up a digital camera just seems so mundane right now.


this is just good! the chrome reflection shot is just sick and clever

i hate you!! but for good reasons, your settings! you get such clean images and def have the photo thing down! please feel free to pm me how to blur the background while keeping the car super clean and sharp!!! lol :slight_smile:

kudos for sure!

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I like the idea in this shot.

Thanks Mimic & Pebb!

Mimic, sent you a PM.

Pebb, thanks. It definitely could use a better background.

New set in 2nd post. Enzo shots and a handful of randomness. Thanks for looking!

Love the TVR shot Gonzo! Great set :wink:

You know what are my favorite shots from this set, but i have to mention this one, BREATHTAKING.