Club tag system needs to be fixed!

Okay I can’t be the only one wanting this to be addressed further… right?

I’ve tried TONS of club tags including random off the wall letters and numbers and I still can’t make a club because ‘this club tag is already in use’ or otherwise taken.

I don’t understand why tags are locked (they are very finite) and if the club names are locked, then the clubs are finite to the number of tags anyway… why not make the Club names the main creation point and the tags available for use by everyone? Names are 100% customizeable and would allow for millions of clubs to be created.

As it stands I’m unable to play with my friends without joining a random off the wall club, or otherwise any club that is already created. This restricts part of the game for me and potentially ruins my interactions with the multiplayer community simply due to the fact the club system does not work.

I have submitted a ticket about this, however i doubt it will see light of day or be noticed by devs… so i’m just wondering if i’m the only one with this issue?

P.S. still new to these forums, so feel free to put this in the right place… although there were no ‘bug and problem’ forums.

You can make a club tag that uses all four of the same character. Using the standard English alphabet and the Xbox One on-screen keyboard that allows for at least 26 letters and 10 digits.

At 36 characters available that can repeat for 4 spaces there are 1,679,616 unique Club Tag combinations that can be made. This assumes no other characters can be used.

I doubt there are that many clubs in Horizon 2 as of yet. Now I understand all the common or popular club tags will have been taken by clubs that formed early on and close to the title launch date but I am sure there are still thousands of available tags to use.

Firstly tags are an identifier and should not be able to be used by multiple clubs.

Also I think you overestimate how useful clubs are. They are simply a tag saying which club you belong to and do not offer any features enabling playing online with friends - that is available independent of the club features.

Appreciate the responses, and sorry for the super late reply (work has kept me busy for a while)

yes i know there are 1.6 million + combinations of the available characters, what i’m saying is, while it’s nice that there are so many you’re forgetting the basic fact that most of the 1.6 million tags make absolutely no sense at all, and while the club tag doesn’t do much, that’s even more reason to open them up as the names are still unique as can be, and wouldn’t change anything as far as who has what ‘unique’ tag.

I just feel as if limiting it like that is just a cop out for actually managing more clubs, and I’ve seen some random clubs, but i’ve also seen clubs with 1 person who hasn’t played since the game came out… and i’m sure we know how a ticket to remove a club tag for use would turn out.

Well our club tag certainly means something and is not random at all, And I would think most tags represent something or other relevent to the owner of the club.