Cant change my club tag

i have tried to change my club tag like 10 times and it just doesnt work, every time i change it it just put a random combination of numbers and letters.

the thing is that it already work once so i know that the tag hasnt been taken, but then after a while it changed back again!!!,

i dont know what is happening but im pretty sure that the problem is in the game or in the xbox interface, so please help me fix it.

that image shows that the tag hasnt been taken and that the tag change already worked once.

I feel like I remember it saying that you can only change the name once. Not sure if it was the tag or the actual club nameā€¦

I have a similar issue. When I created my club the club tag became random letters and not my tag. When I checked the tag in the club settings is was correct but in the game is was wrong. Some times it would be correct, but many times it showed the wrong tag.