Clean racing in MP

I am so fed up with being torpedoed of the track in almost EVERY mp race, specially in the Leagues MP. Every tight corner some **** hits you so hard from the back it is race over.

So, if there are players that run a clean race, series or game, please invite or add me. My preference is in the slower carclasses, precision racin!, but every clean race would be great.

And if I do hit you or anybody off the track I apologies up front, it only happens when I make a mistake, due to lack of skill or by accident but it will never ever be on purpose!

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Cancelled my Live subscription within four days exactly because of this reason.

Being torpedoed off-track doesn’t improve driving skills and actually wastes time spent either (1) waiting for a race to start or (2) recovering from a crash knowing you’ll finish last no matter how well you make-up time.

Improving lap times with effective gear changes, braking, cornering and racing lines is what matters to a good drive (in my humble opinion) and Multiplayer encourages the exact opposite.


The hoppers are absolutely horrendous. It’s a miracle that clean racing is at all possible in them.

By the way, I host class racing lobbies every weekend, saturdays and sundays. I’ve sent you a message about it, read it if you’re interested.

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The only way to enjoy a hopper is to get a clean lap and start towards the front. Clean up front usually. Once you do that and if you are decent you will be able to stay up front and start up front again and again and hey you stop getting wrecked.

While I agree with you, there is only 1 single problem in that.
If I would want to hotlap, I would go to hotlap, that’s pretty much exactly what starting form the pole and driving away is.
I want to race, Preferrably start on 15th to 20th position and make it to top 5, and preferrably podium before the race ends

You should try on league racing. Check is you want some clean fair racing

Try racing in the Endurance GT lobbies. I find that Endurance GT lobbies are far cleaner than all the others; from my experience.

Good point (I might take a look at this). Thanks!

I run a racing club which hosts sessions every Monday. People of various skill levels welcome, clean racing is the reason we get together. More info in my signature if you’re interested :+1:t2:

Thanks, will check it out!

True, but every track where the first corner is tight, the **** come barging in from behind full speed…

Thanks, will check that out as well!

Hey PJTierney,
I’ve been contemplating joining your sessions for quite some time (I’m just not often available on Mondays).
One question, you’re using Discord for voice chat, does this work on Xbox? Or do I need to run Discord on a separate PC if I’m playing on Xbox? I’ve read comments on the Xbox store about Discord voice chat not working on Xbox, only text chat… Not sure how reliable those comments are though.

(Sorry I’m kind of hijacking this thread)

I don’t think there’s an official Discord app for Xbox (or at the very least I haven’t looked and don’t plan to). For voice chat I tend to plug my headset into my phone and use the app from there, works perfectly even with 20+ people in the room.

Discord is also useful for text chat, image sharing, discussions about upcoming events etc., and works across multiple platforms. :+1:t2:

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I wasn’t aware there was a Discord app for phones, that’s quite handy then, thanks for the info!

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