Looking for clean drivers for friendly lobby racing

Hi guys

I’m looking for clean drivers to race with. I’m in the UK and on most days. I just get so frustrated with online lobby racing because its more like a demolition derby. Lol.

I feel the same way. Please feel free to add me. I have another friend online who is interested in some clean racing. We almost exclusively race A class cars.
It really gets me heated to see people doing their best just to sabotage your race instead of just driving the fastest line.
I understand maybe accidently bumping in to someone (perhaps once per race) slightly just due to differences in brake performance or lines chosen but there should never be a 10 car pile up on the first turn or cars being rolled because they are rammed at 120mph by troll players.
I feel like its forzas responsibility to clean up multiplayer racing to make it less of a derby as you have aptly described racing to be. Making no contact for the first lap (or even just the first two turns) would already be a huge difference maker.
I would be very excited to get involved with a forza community capable of creating reasonable size heats with friendly racers who truly do their best to allow others to race the fastest lines they can and make every effort not engage cheap tactics to make passes.

I’m always looking for clean people to race with aswell. Hit me up if anyone wants to race. I’m usually on like 12p-7pEST but could be later depending on the day.
I need clean lobbies because I race what everyone else doesn’t, so I use all the trucks, vans, etc but I’m not a dick wrecker with them, I’m actually racing seriously.


Sounds like a plan always looking to have clean races with anyone!!!

Can event start a league up!!!

I’m also from UK and down for some races :slight_smile:

GT: StickyGosling82

Also looking for good clean racing. I hate it when there is a straight after start and then a sharp corner and people drive full speed to people. Im in no way the best driver but i know my driving lines and braking points. Feel free to add me and we can have clean races. Im from Finland.
TAG is viherkasvi

Hej guys,

took the liberty of adding you all to my friends list, always good to have more like minded Forza players on it.

I am also tired off unclean racing, I dont drive perfect but atleast I try to avoid… Will be adding you guys so we can race sometime, from Sweden. Please add me!

I’m down for some clean lobby and league racing, too.

Check out CLEAN racer group on facebook! I just made it and im looking for racers.

Hi, I came across this thread when searching for clean online Forza 6 totally agree with the sentiment of this thread… hope you don’t mind me requesting adding all of you.
So far I’ve been adding friends just when I come across people in lobbies who I have some good clean and fair racing with over a lap or so… seems to be a good way to find like minded people… but can be like finding a piece of hay in a huge stack of needles!

Hi all, recently got forza 6 the other day and I know damn well from playing previous Motorsport games that there is always a few people in every race that a get butt hurt when you overtake them and decide to take you off the track… Annoys the hell out of me! Anyways would like to race with clean drivers so my GT is xLukeOwen

Send me an invite whenever you are on and obviously if I’m on :slight_smile:

add me i am definetly looking for clean lobbies for some fun racing and to be able to get better with peope who dont kill you from behind when you try to follow some one through a turn to get a clean passs on exit. still a bit new to online racing but i know racing can be better then whats in the public lobbies

gamertag TEAMREIDY48

I would like to race clean also. It burns my butt when I have all day and night to race and all that happens are demolition races. Feel free to add me for your clean racing. My Gamertag is Edited Prince!!!

Another UK player here, the trouble for me is WHEN I can get online.
Weekends, sporadically from 11am-2am I guess :smiley:
During the week, sometimes in the evenings - but if you guys are having fun please add me as well:


Massively frustrated by people smashing into me, and will drive anything.


Please add me as well. Always looking to race with clean racers


Cheers for the links, looking at them now.

Add me, I’m a U.S player