Had a first look on one of the Leaderboards yesterday.
I managed a time of about 1:40 and the top ten of the board was below ten seconds.
Yes, I know I can report „suspicious behaviour“ for each person on the board but is anyone actually doing that ?
Why not just set a time limit and auto report anybody below that ?
Surely Playground must know what the best possible time for each race theoretically can be or at least has an estimate for that ?
In the current state, the boards are sadly useless.
That is how it is at the moment. Soon they will all be dealt with but you have got to remember that it is a very new game and with the amount of code it will take a long time to fix every bug and issue.
There is one board which seems to be clean, the Monthly Rivals - although even in that I saw someone near the top in a X class Lotus GT1 somehow?? it’s limited to the McLaren Senna.
Have you raced against the top time on the ‘Rods & Customs’ drag race on the runway type strip? 2nd place and down are all 11.4 seconds, first place is 6 seconds in a C Class car. If you race his ghost as a rivals he sets of slow then suddenly after about 2 seconds his car sling shots off at about 500mph.
same issue fh3 but they never removed any of their times there either
fh3 people where getting modded tunes aka you could have a stock car with modded power etc you could do a 10000000000hp d class car
most of the leaderboards where cheated in fh3 and they dident remove any of their times
and they also dident copy strike the people advertising it on youtube for ohter people to do the same
Sadly youtube does not allow people to report people advertising hacks/cheats for online games
the only one who can remove it is the game company which is pretty retarded in first place
Forza #1 they dont know they can do it? #2 they dont have anyone working on this at all? #3 they dont care?
mostlikely all 3
hopefully game companys contact youtube about this issue and make them add it into the report list on videos cause it clearly should be there in first place
It’s not just annoying because it’s cheating, it’s annoying because it destroys the value of the leaderboards for identifying good cars to use. I got suckered into having a go with a Speed 12 as a good top speed car, but the car can’t reach anything like the speed on the leaderboard so I was just wasting my time and in-game credits.
Playground and Turn10 do care. But when someone discovers a method of cheating it spreads like wildfire.
I like the idea of having a reasonable time limit for the leaderboards. The problem is that the cheaters would discover the limit and so long as they can cheat, they’d fake times just at that limit.
I saw some speed traps that have all Peel P50s on top posting like 340 mph lol I upgraded a koenigsegg as far as I could and it tops out at 280 or so. I know they have that one glitch with the train and the Mini Cooper but I think it was patched hopefully they will eventually clean the leaderboards before the next horizon comes out.
Slightly salty question but hopefully one people can relate to and maybe get an answer for.
The leaderboards have very obvious mods and glitches which destroy the competition aspect these zones sought to create.
For example I’m rightfully number 3 (4) in the world at the Ambleside approach “s curves” speed zone, however number 1 is an obviously glitched or modded speed WAY ahead of everyone else. The speed achieved is physically impossible especially in the car they apparently used.
When will this be removed or will it even ever be removed?
Ruins a perfectly good and exciting part of the game for me. I want to be able to brag that when I hit the top spot that I earned it and not have to explain “oh I’m second because the leaderboards are not moderated”.
Even speed traps registering 300+ mph… I mean come on.
Please fix this and if you are a moderator please don’t just do the asinine lock thread and move somewhere else. Please investigate it and make Forza great…again…ugh.
ehh, depends on the car and tune, for example the 599xx evolution tune a certain way can hit that speed on the highway speed trap. ive legit hit 304 on it i believe
One of the main reasons I generally don’t bother with the leader boards is because of issues you mentioned.
My stats are still screwed up even after submitting the ticket to get the original “out of bounds” bug fixed.
For example, none of my current cars can reach 300 mph but that is my recorded top speed. That is from going out of bounds in the river and getting stuck there with the speed constantly increasing. I think it topped out around 425 mph before the game finally crashed.
My longest jump is something like 47,000 feet lol.