chat audio bug?? [threads merged]

There’s already a thread about this, search robot. But in summary if you do a hard reset of the Xbox that should sort it.

Worked for me :grin:

Going into a perty chat then exiting party chat whilst in the hopper worked for me

Sat night was a horrible night for the distortion chat. We had a league race with 14 members that all sounded like megatron. After 3 lobby switches (which is a pain with 14 people) we finally found a lobby where we didnt sound like bunch of robots beating up chubaka.

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why you wanna pick on poor chewie? harrison ford is gonna come to your house with his indiana jones whip.

find a lobby no one is broadcasting on twitch simultaneously and watch robot voices disappear. other ppls kinect mics are also some of the problem, of which you can do nothing about.

Unplug your headset then plug it back in. If you see someone talking but you can’t hear them tell them to unplug theirs then plug it back in.

Do you mean Chewbacca?

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Just what is a hard reset?

‘Hard’ or ‘cold’ restart/reboot:
Hold the Xbox button for 5 seconds to force a shut down (and maybe unplug the console to be sure) so that the power brick light is orange. If the brick light is white while the console is off, it’s in Instant-On mode, which would be a ‘Soft’ restart.


This. Clears it every time.

Anyone got in game chat though kinect or headset that sound like your heads in a bucket of water whilst shouting in a swimming pool? seems to be a recent thing. tried all of the usual. turning on and off and a proper power down disconnecting and reconnecting. been happening for a while now. anyone any suggestions?
What is hopper chat. i aint playin on one leg.

i really wish it did. but it doesnt.

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haha didnt even realize i spelled it so horribly wrong. My fault Mr. star wars lol

Oh, Buddy… that was bad. REALLY bad.

Agreed… Im so ashamed i dont even think i should fix it… Im just going to let it sit there and show me how stupid i am lol

Everybody needs a friendly reminder!!

I was going to mention the Robot voices, which seem to be getting more and more of an issue in this thread:

and ask wether a fix is planned, but that thread has randomly been archived into Forza 2 territory.

my question remains the same though. Is this issue ever going to be fixed, or am I going to have to boot Forza up twice every time i want to race online?


So that’s where they hid it. Good find. Wow, it got locked and everything. I thought that had been a fairly productive thread. I guess they had to do when you have a 15 page thread discussing real problems in the game. They really had only 2 options there: Fix it or sweep it under the rug and hope our ADD kicks in. You order Horizon 2 yet?

Seriously ask yourself that question again.

You know damn well it wont get fixed.

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