Cars - Strange Brake light glow on all cars (1686406)

This one only has one floating mid-air …

Every single car is affected by this design choice.

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The 2022 Audi RS 7 is an interesting case. It’s one of the handful of cars in the game (less than 10) that has all of its headlights actually glowing (2x left & 2x right) and also the actual LED break lights glowing. But they still managed to mess it up by adding those 2 fake break light glows floating mid-air below the taillights…


Yep. That’s called “corona light”. And I was surprised to see such a sloppy implementation of this technique in the game. It was like I was back in GTA 5, when the author of the mod didn’t bother to adjust the light on his car model.
There is a feeling that this corona should only come on on very distant LODs. However, in practice we see it even when we are relatively close to our opponents. It’s definitely not supposed to be like that.


Indeed as I mentioned a while back they should make them disappear/fade further away from the player’s car/replay camera. But this won’t change the fact that most of them are randomly placed in totally worng locations anyway. The whole thing is absolutely ridiculous…

looks like its affecting the headlights as well, at some cars you see it more than others

Absolutely not changes after Update 6. :joy::expressionless::-1:t3:

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Absolutely ridiculous…


as you can see at the Porsche, when you got close enough the red dot disappears

here you see that all cars have the red dots as you get close to drive by they disppeare…

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Yup. Now will it ever be “fixed”? That is the Billion dollars question…

it got a number and “bug logged” so hope for the best😅

I think this is just an effect they applied to the brake lights at a distance to indicate that they are on.

Not fixed in Update 7. Probably never going to be fixed just like the track seams.
If no-one is available to go over every single car to fix it… Just make the bloody things fade away 50 meters from the camera & player instead of 2 meters! It would mitigate most of the issue!


when this eventually get fixed then don’t forget to check the front lights too :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


On the Ford Focus RS those stupid breaklights are literally INSIDE the car and only visible from the front!


Oh, is this the same bug that makes the modern 911 GT2 look like it has twin headlamps on from a distance? When you move the camera closer, it’s just one headlight bulb within the headlight housing.

Also, some cars just have one brake light lighting up while braking - just noticed another one today: the modern TVR sports car, sorry, dunno what it’s called.

There’s actually way too many headlight and brake light bugs to list now that I think about it. With many cars, you apply the brakes, and the front bumper and/or front fender lights automatically light up. Supra RZ and Classic Camaro Coupe for example

Obviously… Not fixed in Update 8


Randomly placed in the most ridiculous way…

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In the reverse indicators & not even symmetrical. The absolute idiot who was/is responsible for this, randomly places them anywhere and it’s never going to be fixed.

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