Cars - Porsche 911 GT3 '21 - Sound weak in cockpit (1935987)

It sounds weak, far away, and distant. Especially the cockpit sound has no insulation, bass, rumble or vibration - sounds like a striped down racecar cockpit.

Please rectify.

The sound needs to be louder, particularly from cockpit view where there is no resonance, sense of bass, rumble or vibration - sounds like the windows are down and I’m driving from a striped down race car cockpit.


Hi, do forgive me if tagging was unnecessary but will this not get “bug logged” unless it gets 14 votes or so?

The sound is right in the game, it’s just tiny, lacks depth and character, particularly from cockpit view.

Anyhow, I look forward to audio dynamic range tweaks to this car (and the 19’ GT3 road car), just liked you’ve improved many other cars.

It sounds lovely in replays but somewhat quiet and muted while driving, especially from cockpit cam.

Thanks and good day :+1:

The weak and uninspiring sound in cockpit makes me want to not touch this car.

When can we expect an update?

Bug log this please. Updates sound direly needed.


Hi developers,

Just wanted to share these clips. As you can see and hear, the sound in the cockpit is muffled and has some level of bass and vibration. It should not be sounding like a hollow tincan as that’s the case with most road car cockpit sounds in the game.


Reported since March - all the modern 911s desperately need the sound to be updated. The cockpit sounds are very unimpressive and unrealistic.


I wonder why this isn’t getting voted?

All the modern 911s in the game sound so weirdly weak and flat in cockpit and first person views. Do you people drive from chase cam only to bypass the poor cockpit sounds?


Please bug log this already and add it to the list of cockpit sounds to be improved in the next update!


Why won’t this get bug logged? The cockpit sound is so terrible, small, and weak. It just makes noise. No character, depth, bass, or dynamic range.


When can we expect an update? It’s really undrivable in cockpit view.

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Still sounds the same. Flat and lacking dynamic range/punch as if revving out of a bathtub.

What exactly changed about the cockpit audio?

What interests me more is the sound of constant ticking. Sometimes it stops after hitting the grass or stopping at 0. You know what I’m saying? You can hear it in the recording.

What a mess…

This is what happens when you take shortcuts and copy paste sounds all over the place. What could have been beautiful cockpit sounds mastered in digital surround channels sound like a radio recording coming from a bathroom.

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Yeah. It sounds crazy. Out of control, for most people from T10

We are closing out this issue. The developers have noted this issue as Fixed as of Update 16 on 01.06.25

At the time of the fix this topic had 30 votes.

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The developers have barely addressed this issue. This car still has weak and “bathroom like” cockpit sound. Where is the punch, impact, and dynamic character?

Sorry, not willing to accept this standard. Please put some effort into replicating the actual cockpit sound of the '21 911 GT3 road car!

I couldn’t hear any change from last update. And a lot of people seem to think the same:


The Enzo has been improved.

The GT3 still sounds the same, so what exactly did they update?!


Imo, they should update the sound engine. FH5 has pretty amazing cockpit sounds and that game uses granular synthesis while FM still uses the same method as the first Forza games.
In general, what Fraser Strachan did for FH5’s sound development was amazing, it’s really sad for Forza that they couldn’t keep him and now have to use other engine sounds as the FH5 sounds are mostly licensed on him.
I’m pretty sure FH6 will go back to the old technology and use the same sounds a FM, even though I really hope they can move on to granular synthesis for both series.

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