Car paints in public races

Yo guys,

i came acros a couple of paints now that i find offensive and there is one in particular. Some guy (he is in my friendslist) was proud of what he was driving and he made the paint. A red mercedes with a big swastika on the side. Is there a way to report this idiot? I have saved the replay.
Help me out because i dont like to see anything thats got to do with racism online.

I dont believe that a swastika by it self is racist. The swastika was around long before the war just saying. Sorry I only no how to report gt no idea on individual cars.

I know it was there before WW II. It is a very old symbol. But putting it on a red german car. :wink: everybody can make that link to the Nazi regime then.
Why would people use it otherwise? If you make a full budha paint then i can live with it. But just the cross on a red german car is wrong.

Any controversial symbols from that era are violations of the Xbox LIVE Code of Conduct, and subject to review by Turn 10.

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