Bought the game yesterday and cannot get past the Microsoft Studio's splash intro screen!!!

Yes, im mildly annoyed which isn’t a surprise. I usually expect a 70Euro product to function in normal manners.

With that out of the way, the problem:

Game loads up just fine giving me the Rev screen intro and after that the turn10/microsoft studio logo intro screen, then i hear the main menu music start playing for about 1 second.

And well thats about it, game will crash everytime right there.

I havent gotten any crashlogs, error messages the game just drops.

My specs:

Gtx960 - Latest drivers
16Gb DDR3 Ram - Havent gotten around to upgrading it.
And of course the only OS that’s “suited” for Forza Horizon 4, which is Windows10.

I have tried all the fixes on the internet but nothing works, the game will continue to crash the same moment as before. Ive sat here for at least 5hours on and off trying to fix the game. At this point i suppose its simply not in my hand to do so.

As it stands rightnow, im not feeling good about my purchase and if that wont get resolved soon, then it was the last time i bought a game from the microsoft store (Seriously microsoft store in 2018? Ever heard of Steam? :P)

Thats it, please comment if you have the same/similar issues, thanks! :slight_smile: