BMW Halo Lights

Please fix the halo lights guys!!! It shows them working in forzavista but when the headlights are turned on outside the halos don’t light up and the halos should be lit up as drl’s even when he headlights are off. Hope this gets patched in the next update. What do you guys think? Anyone else noticed this?


I noticed this as well. Also, the 2009 M5 has pre-LCI tail lights when it should have the LCI tails with the nice LED light bars

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I’m just happy they added the E60 M5 to the game. I spent half an hour driving up and down the motorway through the tunnels. It’s truly an incredible soundtrack. :relieved:

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Same issue with the camaro the leds are back and forth and the lower leds dont even light up like are you serious, maybe spend more time on the visual of the cars then dumb hats and mustaches for the our avatars


Haha same! I also drove up and down the highway like 100 times. Btw they should add the “track width” option or also known as spacer option because if you lower it with race suspension and get aftermarket wheels the wheels sunks in a lot so that “track width” is something we need!


I don’t know why they changed it in Forza 7 it had the right lights and the drl’s worked also the gear box mode setting in the games is used as a shift light. Still good to be able to drive your real car in a game and rather have it like this than not at all just a shame the details are not spot on

Exactly! Why fix something thats not broken?

I noticed this too. That’s really a shame. BMW M4, M2, X6M, M5 etc. don’t show the significant Angel Eyes while driving. Please fix that!

If you choose car in house/on festival just Enter forzavista and click „ride” (small round button with three stripes on game pad). Since that time all the DRLs should work entire session. Not in every car, but in most of.

They seriously need to fix this ASAP, it bugs me so much i cant even enjoy this beautiful game…

A lot of the cars are bugged not just the BMWs unfortunately, the Ferrari F40 headlights remain popped up during the day when it should only be the lower ones that are active.

Other people have seen this right? that only one side of the DRL angel eyes/icon lights light up? Seems to only be on the PC version tho?