BIGTIME MUSCLE Monthly Livery Contest - Sponsored by Turn 10 - November Winners Posted

BIGTIME MUSCLE presents the Forza Motorsports 4 Monthly Livery Contest sponsored by Turn10.

That’s right one and all the Monthly Livery Contest is back. We here at BigTime Muscle have decided to try a little something new in an attempt to pickup the mantle of the monthly livery contests from Turn10 hopefully this will continue to keep the Forza 4 community alive and active. Turn10 has graciously put forth their support and will be providing Unicorn Support for this contest…but more on that later.

Rules of the Contest:

This contest is open to any design and any car of your choice.

Please tell us in your post what category you want to be judged in race or fantasy.

The design must belong to you and be your creation. Posting someone else’s work is not allowed!

Each user is allowed only one livery contest post (which they can re-edit over and over again) to show off a maximum of three pictures in their post.

If you wish to enter both categories, you may have one post for each category but still only 3 pictures per post per category.

These three pictures can be of the same car (if you need multiple angles to get across the theme of a car) or of three different cars. The choice is yours.

Cars with damage and inappropriate liveries will be disqualified. Also, altering your image with Photoshop or any image editor will also disqualify your entries from competition.

As an added plus we will likely do several mini comps within this thread. The various BigTime Muscle club members will be putting these on and passing out their own additional prizes for those mini comps.

Submission Deadline:

As I am not a moderator, I can’t lock this thread after the submission deadline. So the date stamps on the posts will have to do. Any entrants posted after 11:59pm on November 30th will not be counted in this months contest.

Submission Judging:

All submissions will be coordinated into one large gallery and PM’d the judges so the designs can be blindly judged thus making things as impartial as possible.


Fantasy Winners and Race Winners will receive the following:

One Complete Set of Unicorn cars, gifted from Turn10.

Please include your Gamertag in your post so I can send it to Turn10 so you can receive your prizes from them… Please note that DLC cars or other cars in any other content packs cannot be gifted.

As an added perk, the winning designs will be featured in game as a Turn10 pick just like they were when Turn10 ran the contest.

Additional prizes will be from Big Time Muscle:

1st Place will receive 100 Million credits and 5 prize cars of your choice

2nd place will receive 75 Million credits and 4 prize cars of your choice

3rd place will receive 50 million credits and 3 prize cars of your choice

Depending on the number of entrants, we may do more than 3 winners so if that happens, 4th place and beyond will receive 25 million credits and 2 prize cars of your choice.

The club members will be handing out their prize cars after the contest and once the winners have been selected then the winners can post the cars they want and things will progress from there. I will be handing out the prize credits and they’ll be more info on that process later.

Thank You To Everyone at Turn10 for the support and thanks in advance to all the entrants.



D S h i z n i t 007:

Jdog12333 (with AlienatedElm42 in on the assist):




Untame Wolf:

Fantasy Livery Results:

  1. FA Racing 01
  2. DavetheRave307
  3. oDirtyghettokid

Race Livery Results:

  1. FA Racing 01
  2. xGothicGorilla
  3. CrankAssult

I’m going to go ahead and run a mini comp of my own…and it’s going to be a guessing game.

What are my wife’s 3 favorite animals/creatures?

10 mil. and 2 of my personal prize cars per correct guess.

  • all livery comp prize cars are excluded for mini comp prizes.

If the same person gets all 3 they get and extra 10 mil and 2 additional prize cars. So there’s potentially 40 mil and 8 prize cars up for grabs.

Maximum of 3 guesses per clue.

Clue #1:
All of them can be found in the various worlds and/or realms that Disney has created.

Clue #2:
2 or the 3 animals/creatures do indeed have fur.

Clue #3:
We have identified the Tiger and established there is another furry animal/creature on the list…to “help” us on the path to identify animal/creature #3 it wings but no fur.

Clue #4: With Tigers and Fairies abound it’s quite a volatile mixture of creatures gracing the walls and halls of my house. Now to figure out the 3rd furry animal/creature that my wife really likes. History buffs may like this clue, my wife’s 3rd favorite animal/creature is so awesome that it once caused a cease fire to be issued so the opposing armies could deal with them before resuming the battle.

Clue #5: Using my best Hulk Hogan voice “You may find the answer I seek hidden in a grim place…brother.”

Clue #6: I’m going to stretch my history legs one more time, many years ago…a European city was terrorized by these animals/creatures for quite some time before the people finally gained the upper hand and dealt with them very harshly.

Clue #7: If you find yourself in a game for the throne, having one of her favorite animals/creatures would be quite helpful if you wish to win.

Mini Comp Winners:
Tiger - MFBigfoot
Fairy - MFBigfoot
Wolf - Pocket Poncho


Can we enter both race and fantasy or just one?

Well I don’t see why you can’t enter both categories…I amended the rules to show that.

Do we have to put the car in the sf? Have Turn 10 said if they’ll put the winners on the feature page of the storefront?

I received confirmation that the winning designs will be featured in game just like they were when Turn10 ran the contest.

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Awesome news! Great Designs everyone, I’m looking forward to seeing more. Good luck to you all.

Don’t need to storefront design - designers choice. I don’t believe we have that much “sponsorship” from Turn 10 to place winners on TURN 10 PICKS - although I’ve been curious as to what they will do with their PICKS page now. S h I z has made all the arrangements for the contest, so we’ll let him “officially” field this question.
AND… To get this ball rolling, the first person to post an entry will receive 10 million bonus and my 3 car limited set of 50th Anniversary GTOs.
Good luck to all and here’s to keeping the livery contests on Forza 4 going =]

To be honest…I do not have an answer on that front but I will check with them and see. But, as of today, Iroc is right for the time being. So, go with whatever design you desire. When I get a response from Turn10 I’ll update everyone.

When does the comp start?

The comp is running from November 1st through November 30th

Congrats IROC, Dshz007 and Bigtime guys. Your contnious efforts to keep F4 alive is awesome and much appreciated. I’ll be posting entry soon and hope all these achievement hunters will follow suit. Please shout if I can add or help. And thanks T10 for contributing to these and helping to keep the Forza empire growing.

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No problem at all FA RACING 01, we are honored to have Turn10 support us in our efforts and it’s our pleasure to do the best we can to keep this thing going for as long as there are people interested in having fun with Forza4.

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Great work D with the Livery Contest! And to all the contestants “GOOD LUCK”!

By the way I got a question to all who read this…It’s always a challenge to figure out what car to work on for a prize car. What I would like to know is what make and model car would you like to see as a prize car?

Personally, I would love to see a C-2 Corvette as a prize car. Not many good paints for those and haven’t seen any one do a prize car.

First one is for the Race category

Mactools1 by cipher1962, on Flickr

mactools2 by cipher1962, on Flickr

mactools3 by cipher1962, on Flickr

Second one is for the Fantasy category

HD Cougar1 by cipher1962, on Flickr

HD Cougar2 by cipher1962, on Flickr