BIGTIME MUSCLE Monthly Livery Contest - Sponsored by Turn 10 - November Winners Posted

Thanks Cipher, for posting the 1st and getting us rolling =] I’ll track you down and get you your GTOs and put me up a grey IROCZ fir 10 million =]


Gamertag - FA RACING 01

Car used - Mercedes AMG

Category - Race Replica >>>>>> [Team Black Falcon by Abu Dhabi, current Dubai 12 Hour champions]

35 BF1d by FA RACING 01, on Flickr[/img]

35 BF1a by FA RACING 01, on Flickr[/img]

35 BF1b by FA RACING 01, on Flickr[/img]


Gamertag - FA RACING 01

Car used - Nissan GTR

Category - Fantasy

31 Ninja1a by FA RACING 01, on Flickr[/img]

31 Ninja1b by FA RACING 01, on Flickr[/img]

Ninja3 by FA RACING 01, on Flickr[/img]


(](Photobucket | Make your memories fun!)]new wolverine[/img]
Thanks Guys for running this competition! This is my fantasy design! I hope you like! :slight_smile:


Thanks for keeping FM4 and the forums alive guys, and taking the time to do this!! Here is a fantasy entry for the comp;
X-Men, Gambit. Thanks,
gambit 1
gambit 2
gambit 3

Some excellent designs have already been submitted, thank you all for participating.

We’ve added a few more prize cars as well, from Iroc and Jdog.


(](Photobucket | Make your memories fun!)]rally[/img]
This is my second entry and first race replica! I hope you like it! :slight_smile:

Nice Thread D-007! Also some very nice Designs everyone! Wish I could enter, all these cool Prize Cars and Unicorns!

My entries for the monthly Livery Contest now posted in post 20 [ for the racing design] and post 21 [for the fantasy design]. Thanks guys and good luck to everyone.


Gamertag HarryVoldemort

Car used Ferrari 458 Italia

Catogory Race (Original)

ssr italia 1
by sonic7emerald, on Flickr

ssr italia 2
by sonic7emerald, on Flickr

ssr italia 3
by sonic7emerald, on Flickr

Well, that’s my first attempt on making an original race design. I hope you all like it, and please do give some feedbacks.

race 66 nova

rasta 350z

Gamer tag- Odirtyghettokid

If I win could you guys make one of the cars the top secret siliva. Thanks hope you like them

Nova- race
350z- Fantasy

Sorry for the stupid question, but can you use manufacturer logos purchased from the marketplace or would you have to create everything yourself?

Ideally you would use something you made yourself.
The only items you are allowed to use and not create are the manufacturers logos provided by Turn10 within the actual game itself.

Using something on a car you purchased off of another person’s storefront to enter into the contest as “your own work” would tend to be frowned upon as you did not actually create to items you are entering.

So, while it is perfectly fine to use storefront items on your own personal cars for your personal use. It is not permissible to enter those cars into this contest since the items were not created by you.

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Um, I actually used some items found in the storefront for my entry to this contest. Can someone disqualify my entry because I violated the rule stated above. Sorry for all the troubles.

Harry. I will leave the response / answering of your question re. the disqualify to D S007, but here is what I suggest. Remove the car by edit [in terms of the rules you are allowed to edit your entry], change the layers in question or replace them with ones you done yourself and then re-submit the car. I have all the logos and vinyls on your Ferrari entry, so if you have too much trouble replicating any of them, message me and I’ll gladly gift them to you with right to use.

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Great idea/suggestion/offer of help FA. It would be a shame to see a complete entry withdrawal as opposed to just an edited revised design. Just another example of how helpful the majority of this community are.

GT : ShakenPuma7

Category : Race

Thanks for the comp and good luck all

The awesome entries just keep on coming…awesome job everyone.

I’ve also added a few more prize cars to the pool.

I’m seeing some nice designs so far! Good job!