Bentley 4½-Litre 1927-1931 (Race Spec)

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Bentley 4½-Litre

This topic sis for voting on variants of this model other than the 1930 Bentley Blower 4-1/2 Litre Supercharged already featured in FH5.


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Which model do you prefer?

  • Bentley 4½-Litre
  • Bentley Blower No.1
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1929 Bentley Blower No. 1, nicknamed the “Brooklands Battleship” and driven by Sir Tim Birkin

This car originally had a two-seater fabric body that caught fire from a cracked exhaust during a 500-mile endurance race at Brooklands, which earned it the nickname of “Brooklands Battleship”. It was then rebodied in the red aluminium monoposto form by Reid Railton.