Mh,… The typical girly car.
Yeah, I didn’t want to be the first to go there
Having a Barbie tie in doesn’t bother me. Having yet another tie in while the game rots in it’s own complacency bothers me. Makes me furious in fact.
I’m equally upset about the Barbie tie in as I am about the Donut Media tie in. You could argue that Donut Media had more to do with cars, but Barbie actually does have a pretty rich history with cars, or at the very least GM vehicles. My sister had a giant pink Barbie C4 Corvette convertible growing up. We still have it at my parents’ place. My nieces play with it during family gatherings.
They can have any tie in they want as long as the racing and core gameplay is served first. I won’t appreciate it, but I could tolerate it. But it isn’t, and serving up even more tie ins while the core of the gameplay goes unsupported is just a slap in the face.
if you need to snap specific promo shhot just take a random course, do a blueprint with custom cars (you choose). open the select tab and pick “not owned” and select every new car that you dont have/shot. then of course select one car that you own with similar PI and run a test run. once started just go photo mode.
The Barbie Humvee is just a normal one didn’t seem to me 7/8 scale like the vette. just metallic grey with a purple lighting zipzapping along the sides.
Yes, the Barbie Hummer EV is the normal one with a “paint scheme”. The EV Corvette is the only 7/8 scale car. Taking a page from Smokey Yunick…
I mean, it’s an EV conversion, so it may have the look, but it’s not exactly a true '55 to '57 Corvette.
Personally, I’m really tired of having the car list bloated with these kind of frivolous special editions. I was already not a big fan of Forza Editions (even though some can be very useful), but adding a bunch of Oreo Editions, Nail Polish Editions, and Barbie Editions is as egregious as Polyphony Digital bloating their car list with twenty variants of a specific generation of Skyline with minor cosmetic and performance differences.
At the very least, I know I’d rather drive a Midnight Purple R34 Skyline than a Barbie EV Corvette. I mean, that’s the triple threat to me. Pink, an EV, and a conversion of a classic vehicle. If these are given out rather than unlocked through a promotion code, you can bet the only thing I’m doing with it is chucking it off the volcano to watch it crash, and then seeing it collect dust in my garage as my personal quest to obtain every car in the game becomes more and more shallow with each passing day.
Honestly, seeing this garbage makes me regret having just bought the car pass and pack last night.
I just regret ever buying FM1 now and shifting away from GT.
You mean ugrundy purist build, right?
It’s definitely a remove from garage garbage car.
Yeah…this is just embarrassing…
Well, having cornered the market on pre-teen boys this could reel in the pre-teen girls. And I suspect they’ll be much better drivers !
Are pre-teen girls that are old enough to play video games on their own even into Barbies at that age? Most girls I knew gave up Barbie by 8, and most kids didn’t really delve into gaming seriously until like 11 or 12.
Hey if you think that the nail polish and barbie promotions are weird in a racing game than just wait til you see the my little pony tie in
Careful now. Reddit joked about something Barbie-related being added at one point, and now look where we are. Anybody have any wood to knock on?