Badge for Forza Rewards glitched?

I’m currently at tier 6 in Forza Rewards, but the bronze badge for reaching tier 1 in Forza Rewards is still showing as locked, and I therefore can’t unlock the silver/gold/platinum version of it either. I’ve been playing the beta for a few days now, I downloaded the Forza Hub when prompted to in-game and signed into that on the first day I played Apex.

The Tier1 is counted seperately from the other Rewards. As was posted in another thread, I think by a moderator, is that the Apex-rewards do not yield a new tier in Rewards nor will influence the payout on your current Tier.

I can imagine this to be true; as you might see, I almost completed all games but still waiting for the Bronze Badge in Apex as well, as you are describing (Tier9, 15982 points amassed).