Does Horizon support going back and forth between the Xbox One and 360 versions of the game?
Because I’ve tried and there doesn’t seem to be a way to get a saved game on the XB1 back onto the 360.
I started FHXB1 with my account, played it for a while and then quit the game (properly) and then logged out of my XB1 account (properly).
When I booted my 360 and logged in with the same account, FH360 complains there’s a save on another console that hasn’t been sync’d. Or words to that effect as I didn’t have a chance to write down the exact error message.
Trouble is the XB1 version doesn’t ever present a save location option. I’m assuming it’s all ‘cloud storage’ for the XB1 saves? If so, does the 360 version support using those saves?
Both the XB1 and the 360 version were downloaded three days ago. So both are digital download editions, I do not have the physical disc at all.
At no point was I running the game on both platforms at the same time. Yeah, I know why that would be bad.
I also tried logging into the 360 with a different account and playing FH360 for a while (using a cloud save location). Up to the point where I’d gotten the yellow wristband. I then quit the game properly, signed out and shutdown the 360. I then booted the XB1, logged into that same, second account (mine being one, my son’s being the other) and tried starting FHXB1. It never asked about a save and behaved like I was starting the game from scratch again.
Ok, so what’s going on here? Is it even possible to go back and forth using FH on the XB1 and the 360 and keeping the same game progress? Or is that not implemented or supported?