Autumn #Forzathon Shop, Festival Playlist events and rewards through December 5


Starts November 28, 2019 at 6:30 a.m. Pacific
This is the second season of Series 16.

Next change: December 5 at 6:30 a.m. Pacific




  • 50% Summer Completion: 1970 Ferrari 512 S (newly released Exclusive model)
  • 80% Summer Completion: Alien Morph Suit
  • 50% Series 15 Completion: 2012 Lamborghini Aventador LP700-4
  • 80% Series 15 Completion: Ferrari 250 TR


Earn 100 FP from the weekly challenge plus 10 per Daily, plus Bonus for all, double for owning the Lake Lodge.

Weekly Challenge:
[Must be done in sequence to count.

  • Own and drive any Super Saloon
  • Earn 5 Triple Pass Skills in your Super Saloon
  • Earn 12 Sideswipe Skills in your Super Saloon
  • Earn 3 stars at the Swan Dive Danger Sign in your Super Saloon

Daily Challenges:
Each challenge is open for 72 hours from 7:30am Pacific of the start day. See Skills list.

  • Earn 2 Airborne Pass Skills
  • Earn 3 Ultimate Drafting Skills
  • Closely overtake while racing to earn 1 Ultimate Pass Skill
  • Earn 2 Great Wreckage Skills
  • Earn 3 Air Skills
  • Earn 1 Near Miss Skill
    • Drift


Championship Rewards include the named item for placing 1st against Highly Skilled Drivatars, plus additional CR rewards.

The Trial Co-Op Championship: “An Act of Rod”

  • Reward: Plymouth Fury (previously available Exclusive model)

Showcase Remix | “Forest Sprite” (motocross opponents)

  • Reward: Super Wheelspin

Seasonal Playground Games |

  • Reward: Mercedes-Benz X-Class (previously available Exclusive model)

PR Stunt: Mam Tor Danger Sign

  • Reward: Super Wheelspin

PR Stunt: Peak Moor Speed Trap

  • Reward: Super Wheelspin

PR Stunt: Lakeshore Speed Zone

  • Reward: Super Wheelspin

Championship: “Summit or Nothing”

  • Reward: 2010 Volkswagen Golf (previously available Exclusive model)

Championship: “Lakehurst Laps”

  • Reward: Fiat Dino (previously available Exclusive model)

Championship: “Let’s Bug It Out”

  • Reward: Hummer H1 (previously available Exclusive model)

Monthly Events

  • Monthly Rivals: Ferrari FXX-K at Princes Street Gardens Circuit
  • Online Adventure
    Completing the monthly events applies their completion percentage to all four seasons in the Festival Playlist.


Outstanding trial this week! Chevy Utility is a beast

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C600 Rods & Customs - great choice.


Stock 32 Ford Hulagirl for the Trial did well.

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It does even better with upgrades.

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Is the Trial really getting easier? Or are we just getting better at the game?

Since it’s been A class or lower lately, it’s not much trouble at all. But I suppose the next time they have something in S2, half of us will be back to complaining about how unfair it is.

We won all 3 races, and shut out the AI in the first and last race. Toward the end of the first race, there was one AI still in the middle of the pack with me and another blue behind him. Then the AI started fishtailing, and swerving all over the track before veering off and going into the river. Nobody touched him. It just happened completely random.

I used the Hulagirl too, with vintage race tires. Had enough PI left to throw on some basics like track width, tire width, little bit of weight reduction. No complaints, but I wouldn’t have minded being able to upgrade the gearbox.

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My experience has been that Drivatars, not only in Rods and Customs but also in Classic Muscle divisions are bit gimped on corners because they can’t do weight transfer, at least not in as effectively manner as human players.

For total of seven runs I have done on this Trial, it’s been slaughter to Drivatars. Not single race lost yet and there were even couple of races team Drivatars getting zero points.

Built '49 Mercury Coupe for this, Chevy was good but I wanted something with better acceleration and it turned out to be really good. Did Trial three times with it. Built '59 Cadillac for joke but it turned out to be surprisingly good, not as good as Mercury but still surprisingly good, did two Trials with it.

I haven’t single race yet where I haven’t got to the podium, 12 first positions 8 second positions (1st position held with Blue team) and one third position in race where I messed up but first and second positions being held by Blue team. Tunes shared.

Saw one someone really fast with Chevy Utility Wagon, different tune to mine and someone was really fast with '40 Ford De Luxe Coupe too. '32 Ford Roadster “Hula Girl” appears to be pretty strong in this too. Most I have seen is however stock Hoonigan Bel Airs and most players doing really well it. Didn’t liked that car in FH3 and don’t like it in FH4 either.

Very good question. I do know this is the first time I have had 2 1st place finishes and a 5th (worth 400 points). I can’t remember ever taking a 1st place. I know I have never taken 2 1sts.

Are the trials still unbeatable drivatars? They were terrible, too easy!

First Trial I’ve been in where the AI scored only 200 points. Total. And that was with most of my teammates skidding all over the track.

Oddly enough I had that happen last week. First two trials I did great but everybody else blew it. Third time was the charm, I was with a bunch of really, really good drivers, I think the drivatars only had 200 points total, we blanked them in 2 races… and Instead of 1st or second I placed 4th, 5th and 6th… best team I have ever done a trial with.

Dont think they have ever actually been unbeatable
Its usually just terrible teammates that make them feel that way


Easiest Trial for ages - and well behaved Team so Easy 3-0 win with Hula Girl - Tune Shared

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You must of been lucky. Played several now and only three Trials did everyone race nicely.

Last one i did, 2 players from a certain club were smashing everyone left right and centre and knocking them off the road into stone walls and fences.

Not once did they drive cleanly at all.

Those that came last raced better in my eyes, at least they weren’t knocking everyone off for the own ego satifisfaction.

Glad to hear you had a good Trial anyway :slight_smile:

Have run both the Plymouth Fury 58 and Cadillac Eldorado 59 and both were good cars. Found the HulaGirl to be lacking in top speed but good overall.

Tips & Miscellany

The Trial

  1. Horizon Festival Sprint
  2. Ambleside Sprint
  3. Elmsdon on Sea Sprint

Got this on first try. Did this with Chevrolet Utility Vagon. I thought it was a curiosity but tuned it turned out to be surprisingly good especially considering it’s handling buit. Adjusted it a bit and went to do Trial again. Very clear win again. Tune shared.

Playground Games: Got this on first try, Blue team won on second stage, which was flag rush after Red gave up.

Showcase Remix: There appears to be quite a rubberband here. I lost on first try with just few hundreds behind Riders whom finished in 1:35.160. On second try I was better maintaining speed and finished first with time 1:32.063 Riders just behind me in 1:32.180.

PR-Stunts: Bugatti Veyron SS X-class for all.

Championships completed on Unbeatable difficulty using stock cars with Brakin Line on. No traction control etc.

Championship: Summit or Nothing

Did this with Maserati Levante S. What a fantastic car. One event, The Ridge Cross Country Circuit, is 5 laps so have some music ready or something.

Recommended car: Maserati Levante S. I do know that is a rare car and I guess Dodge Durango might be quite stron on this too.

Championship: Lakehurst Laps

D-Class championship! Did this with '69 Nissan Fairlady Z 432. Only first race in this championship is trail, rest are circuits. Finished second on first race but on circuits old Fairlady was really great experience.

Recommended car: '69 Nissan Fairlady X 432 though other Nissans should be fine for this too.

Championship: Let’s Bug Out

Tried to do this first with stock Ariel Nomad but it’s weight distribution was major hinderance on first route (rear engine). Switched to Exomotive Exocet Off-Road which is AWD and won all the events with it.

Recommended car: '18 Exomotive Exocet Off-Road. Unfortunately it’s AFAIK Fortune Island exclusive. B-class Funco and Penhall should have cleary enough headroom to AWD swap and other upgrades. IIRC Ariel Nomad can be upgraded including AWD swap within A800 limit too.


Did these with '18 BMW M5.

EDIT: For 5 Triple Pass Skills, according to experience by other players, getting these on motorway drag strip it seems easier than in a normal races. Worth a try IMO.

For 5 Triple Pass Skills I tried Horizon Festival Circuit and and Holyrood Circuit. I was able to get two Triple Pass skills in one race on Holyrood Circuit but it was tricky. For some reason it looked like passes didn’t count. On both circuits it’s easy to get one of these right after start since '18 BMW M5 is AWD on stock with very good launch. Why it had to be 5 Triple Pass skills, not 3 or something with less repetition?

Sideswipe Skills → Airfield.

For Swan Lake Danger Zone I actually tried to do it with stock, which is outright insane, but I was curious. My best effort was 271.9 meters, when requirement is 228.6. Car could probably do it! But I went and isntalled rally parts, other upgrades and just did it. Didn’t had all day.

I realised later that '18 BMW M5 is another Fortune Island car. IIRC in Super Saloons category Alfa Romeo Giulia Quadrifoglio and Kian Stinger can be built to be really great cars.


I just did the triple pass skills on the motorway drag strip it seemed easier than in a normal race.


That’s actually great tip! How I didn’t come to think of that? What’s wrong with me? Anyway, huge thanks for this, updating my post. :slight_smile:

yep - Motorway drag strip (knock the drivatar level down)
pause a little off the line and then get your first passes in quickly…
allow the field to pass you again then build speed to get them on the ‘sharpest’ curve …
kerching 2 triple passes in 1 run

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I’m new to the game and do have a Hula Girl in the garage but it looked like it made me use a stock? I don’t really know why. It was the stock color and my livery wasn’t applied, not tuned either. Anyone shed light on this for me? Thank you.!

Edit: Noob mistake. My Hula Girl was class A, needed class C. But did it give me a new one? I didn’t have two but when I went back to freeroam, I was in the stock Hula Girl. /shrug Anyway, I’m still a bit confused but it was fun and that’s all that matters.

A slow motion trial this week, this will be no good for the forum engagement tracker.
Could have done with a little more challenge, I ran it a few times and most team mates scored good points.

Without all the ranting about unfair S1 and S2 trials, forum hits must be well down over the last couple of weeks…

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